Sayin Hi

420 Hemi

Just finished my first grow and I gathered much of my knowledge from this site so I figured to sign up.
I grew two strains,critical kush from Barney's and HolyGrail from DNA.
Two 5x5 tents
two 1000w ballast
I went bubbleponic
5x5 gal pails in one tent and A sog set up using two 40 gal reservoirs. I put 8 sights in each tub.
AN full kit of juices

with all the info from this site it still was almost painless The key for me was nutrient control the grail LOVED 50% strength while the critical couldn't.It was much happier at 35%.
With that all said the yeild and quality was amazing.

Thank you all


Active Member
Glad to hear everything went well for your first run! This is a great site with tons if info definitely helped me for my first run. Can't say the same about the quality, but great learning experience to take into my current grow.

Welcome to RIU :bigjoint: