

Well-Known Member
I just looked into the history on jesse james and it turns out he robbed a train thay someone related to me was the conductor on...they even went to the extent of calling my kin a hero for getting off the train and flagging another train down on down the road...Jesse James handed him two silver dollars and told him to "Drink to the wealth of Jesse James".


Well-Known Member
thats badass
my family is perhaps the most boring thing on the planet
the only interesting thing about us is our last name which is extremely rare


Well-Known Member
Yea my last name is exremely rare too so thats how i know hes my kin....I mean if my last name was like "Brown" parsay then i would je be a mumbling baboon but i dont think Hazelbaker is a very comman name.


Well-Known Member
Haha yea my last name tatoo would be huge as hell i might be able to get it across my


Well-Known Member
a guy baking hazel? what about a guy getting backed on haze? lol
thatd be an interesting but funny as fuck and cool tattoo


Well-Known Member
omfg thats the shit
i cant relate anything about my last name to weed
other than im high as a stork