When you go back for it, which you probably will... I can tell that you are the type of person that likes to get stuff for nothing, like taking others work for nothing... Well when you go back, that sound of rustling or cracking branches you will hear, that is the real owner of the plant hiding with a gun just waiting for some cheap thieving bastard to come along and touch his plant! BANG MOTHERFUCKER!!!
Branches bent over could be super cropping. The chances of a seed germinating and surviving out in the open is very little. Yes it would happen if there was fields of weed growing but just a seed from someone making a doobie is very unlikely. Grow your own weed, if I was growing in the middle of nowhere and I found someone trying to take my plant then god help you!
What kind of nut job plants weed at a public park, then defends it with a gun? And last I checked, public parks belong to all of us. That's a taxpayer funded place to enjoy some nature. So fuckin' A, enjoy it!
And if you would ever shoot someone over a fucking plant, you need psychiatric help.
oh, you know very little...Branches bent over could be super cropping. The chances of a seed germinating and surviving out in the open is very little. Yes it would happen if there was fields of weed growing but just a seed from someone making a doobie is very unlikely. Grow your own weed, if I was growing in the middle of nowhere and I found someone trying to take my plant then god help you!
Who doesn't like to get something for nothing? lol.