Saw other threads on this.. looking for options of what to do with yellow leaf clone

So I bought these two clones the other day and today I look at one under a cfl and the leaf is yellowing. Now I noticed when i bought these that they looked like they were put in what looked like miracle grow soil, and I only use organic, minor nutrient with no release type of soil.

2013-10-12 07.17.55.jpg The bottom leaf has yellowed lol, and I don't know why, maybe the soil has nutes in it and it's burning it? I'll give it just water and see how that goes.


Well-Known Member
that looks like it could be like pro-mix soil or something like it which has no nutes it really don't look like nute burn to me either I'm almost thinking she needs some nutes.
Well I use organic nutes for nit. I use fish fertilizer. I had great success with my first plant using only a little bit. When these get about a foot ill double the fish so that it gives about 10-2-2.


Well-Known Member
is the clone rooted? if not they usually turn yellow and look terrible before they grow roots sometimes when cloning in soil. also looks like you took it 2 weeks or so into flower maybe so expect a longer time to root and reveg.
is the clone rooted? if not they usually turn yellow and look terrible before they grow roots sometimes when cloning in soil. also looks like you took it 2 weeks or so into flower maybe so expect a longer time to root and reveg.
Shit i would hope they are rooted, if not im going to start cutting stems and selling them.. If he bought it from a high quality dispensary like i do at Green Link then its going to be rooted as fuck.

Honestly its not that uncommon to buy a clone that has some yellowing / purple stems. When i went to the first Medical Cannabis cup in the Seattle, one of the top organic grow winners was from a dispensary by me that sells clones that look like yours. i wouldnt trip, you just got it, transplant it into your grow meduim you already are familiar with then sit back and relax
I buy then because they are easier for me to obtain than seeds and cost less if raised right. However I guess you can be jipped on a good one, but I smoked from the mama plants these wrre taken from and I have to say, great genetics. He mentioned they had just come out the cloner. My other one wilted after teo days, but its staying there, not getting any worse, so I guess that's good. I need to get read to repot these, they are just so small for a2 gal pot.


Well-Known Member
well it just looks like the clone is already been flowering in the pics

slide it out of the cup and repot it into whatever soil you use that has nutes in it. it should be plenty big if it was actually rooted
It couldve been before I picked it up. Oh well, I'm gunna start fish nutes 5-1-1 soon. Then up t to 10-2-2 after it grows a lil bit


Well-Known Member
I tend to agree, yellowing like that is usually a sign that it's hungry, in my earlier days of growing I did a lot of clones and never had one look like that.
Just to give an update, notice a millimeter or so of the yellow part turned green again after giving it water earlier. Gunna start giving nitrogen fish nutes to it.