Save your seeds!!!!


Active Member
We need to save our seeds!!!

All the people in the USA....

SAVE YOUR SEEDS...pick a date to spread them along the roads and forests!!!!!!! (4:20:2010)

MJ could be wild again!!!

YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
so crazy it just might work... but then we would have a whole lot of seedy regs floatin around, but still why not try


Well-Known Member
i do this every spring.

deposit around 100 seeds in varius areas, the woods by my house, woods 50 miles from y hsoue, hiking trails biking trails bird feeders you name it.


Well-Known Member
I'm in. Been doing this for years. Everytime we go camping. I got plants all over the midwest. Let's do it!


Well-Known Member
Even better. Go to all the houses around you , rip up their lawn, and reseed with nothing but cannabis. Do it to very home and business and soccer field in america. They will never have enough agents to enforce it. Eventually, so many plants will be around that the atmosphere is saturated with trichomes, and just breathing anywhere gets everyone high. Drug tests will become obsolete, and hippies will take over the entire industry. All the politicians/dictators will al be stoners, and no one will want war. Everyone will get the munchies, and therefore grow a whole shit ton of food in every piece of land that holds soil, sand, or dirt. World hunger and cancer will be cured, there will be no war, and free weed for everyone. Someone needs to tell Al Gore.


Active Member
already started lol but as fast as they sprout they are taken, this is one that lasted nearly two months (best so far)



Well-Known Member
I too, have been doing this for years. I always have heard it called "Operation Overgrow Big Bro". I try to plant in secluded areas as well as along roadsides in back areas of parks and anywhere else it looks like a plant might be able to survive on its own. I never go back to see how they are doing, so there is little or no chance of getting caught. Fucking up lawns and shit is not what this is all about. If you plant them in visible areas, they will just get mowed down or stolen and that is not the idea. Who cares if it is just seedy bag weed that is growing. If you have a brain in your head, you will not try to harvest any.


Well-Known Member
lol holy shit man. that'd be 704,220 wild plants!! O_____O
And if only 1% of those plants seeded(7,042) and spread 10 seeds that grew it would mean the next generation would be 70,422 plants. And if only 1% of those plants seeded(704,220) and spread 10 seeds each it would mean the next generation would be 7,042,200 plants. And if only 1% of those plants seeded..........................................

This is with only a 1% success rate. So dont think that planting only 10 seeds wont make a differece. The thing is, do you want to just sit around and TALK about making something happen, or do you have what it takes to DO something about it? :peace: