Save this seedling? Skunk #1


Well-Known Member
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Had some cabinet heat issues. 5 other (3 different strains all together) look like they will pull through. Temps jumped to 95F in the cabinet just as these babies were coming through the soil and sprouting. They were in little humidome's Not sure if that hurt or helped. Just limping her along and hope she heals. Anything I can do to aid the process? Like maybe back to humidome. (clear plastic coke bottle over small solo cup) Thanks in advance for any help. Rep to follow for sure.


Well-Known Member
Nothing more than what you're already doing, if it's a strong plant it will revive...not too late yet. Leave it be and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Thanks machnak. Kind of what I thought. Impressive on the "what I got going on" link of yours. Very nice man!!!!!!