Save my baby plant please

I got this clone one week half ago, I transplanted from soil to rockwool about one week ago. It was doing good for one to two days with plastic ziplock bag over it until it fell down with clone on its side and dried out. I reset it and it fell again in two days later. I noticed leaves started to get little yellow and brown. I then transplanted it to hydroponics, as the pictures showed. I added 6 gallons of pure distilled water with half teaspoon of GROW. Ph shows 6.0. next day, it is getting worse, more yellower, brown, and droop a little. It has been two days now, seems to be stop. What should I do? All feedback is appreciated plus rep. Thanks!



Well-Known Member
Sorry dude, but it seems like when things are in small cups or pots they fall over. This may be all that you got, and I mean now disrepect. I got eight clones amonth ago. They were in rockwool, and rooting like crazy. I stuck them in 5gal pots with FFOF right away because I didn't want to transplant 2+ times, and I wanted the least amount of shock possibly, and the quickest yield possible, (Possible slowed growth from shock with each transplant) My only advice would be to use bigger pots next time, or stick with soil. For me it works because it's what I know, but if you don't gotta lot ridiin on it experiment away! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Only changover if its rooted for sure, rooting is your biggest obstacle right now, if they're already rooted then there could be many problems.


Well-Known Member
oh man, are you setup for only hydro, are you experienced in hydro, cause I'm not. Lighting cycles are totally subjective. If you got roots, then 24/0 to 18/6 will work. Depending on your energy/comfortabiltily needs. Do what's comfortable to you, and stick by it. Consistensy! Gotta get the little guys growing first! Don't need a ziploc if theyre rooted! Gotta put them in the medium theyre gonna be in, they should be ready to grow.