Save my babies


New Member
Don't have an ec. ~625 ppm 5.5-6.0 pH they are getting 60ml of Humboldt's secrets a and b, 20ml of their Golden tree and plant enzymes. 30ml calmag and 30 mL of hydroguard.

Roots are white and long although some do have some brownish too them I assume caused by the super dark Golden tree supplement. It doesn't appear slimy or rotting as thickness seems similar through the root

They are in 18 gallon containers (3/) with about 14 gallons of water.


Well-Known Member
What's up g
Have you seen any tiny flys? Gnats

Also 600 PPM is kind of high for deep water culture what growth stage are your plants in early mid or late veg ? I won't even ask about water temps because a long as you have Benny's in there you'll be alright I run a great white having use hydroguard yet but it works amazing night and day difference.


New Member
No flyers at all. It's in an enclosed tent so I would've noticed that for sure. Early veg, and water temps are kept low cycling frozen water bottles every so often. Plus the hydroguard.


Well-Known Member
So no bugs.
Water temp management-ish.
What about ph? And how often do you monitor?

Could be strain dependant nutrients issues(light feeder). And way too high ppm or temperature's going to the high going to low. Those are flowering DWC ppms though. Dwc is like sticking your finger into an electrical socket direct contact with nutrients 0 buffer.
Change out rez drop down to 250ppm and give it a day or so. And they'll be reaching for the sky 9 times out of 10. In my humble experience. Lmk


New Member
Will do. I think I have a bit of powdery mildew developed I'll take care of that today along with a reservoir swap. Should my Rockwood cubes be staying damp or should I lower my water level more?


Well-Known Member
Only time any medium should be moist in DWC(unless feed line) is until the roots get to the water.

After minimal to zero wet medium is best to avoid ish. water evaporation will be of a great underestimated service. Aka Leave an air gap. And Idk if you using them but enzymes are like peanut butter and jelly with bennys in dwc.


New Member
I am using enzymes too and that might be my biggest problem my Rockwood cubes were quite moist. Adjusted level last night along with being to about 300 poms. Unfortunately using tap water with Ppm around 100 currently


Well-Known Member
I use tap as well. The R.O process is a terrible waist of fresh water. At least in my opinion. When it visit the lakes I used to when i was a kid and see only puddles. That shit scares me for my kids. I use vitamin c tablet to eliminate chloramine etc.
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New Member
I'll have to research the vitamin c thing. I am pretty sure 3 are going to die. The other 3 are thriving though. I appreciate it