Satori Flowering


Active Member
so it's my first time around growing satori. i got a 10 pack of seeds. I germinated 3 about 3 months ago, got 1 female, vegged it for about 2 months and threw it into flowering.
The rest i've recently germinated and plan to keep the best as a mother for my future clones and flower the weaker females and possibly cross one of the stronger looking males with a hawaiin snow i've got goin on.

So I'm 2 days under 1 month flowering and she's just starting to sprout those beautiful white hairs we all love to see.

My question is whether anyone has grown this particular strain and what kind of results they had indoors and/or out. Did flowering take a bit to get started? and what weeks did you notice the most acceleration?

I may just be paranoid but I feel like flowering has taken a littler longer than I originally anticipated to get going, anyone else have this issue?


Well-Known Member
What type of light are you using? If they aren't getting enough light, it can cause the growth to slow down.


Active Member
400 watt HPS, and it's only being used on one plant in this particular set up. the light leak is a possibility


Active Member
so it's my first time around growing satori. i got a 10 pack of seeds. I germinated 3 about 3 months ago, got 1 female, vegged it for about 2 months and threw it into flowering.
The rest i've recently germinated and plan to keep the best as a mother for my future clones and flower the weaker females and possibly cross one of the stronger looking males with a hawaiin snow i've got goin on.

So I'm 2 days under 1 month flowering and she's just starting to sprout those beautiful white hairs we all love to see.

My question is whether anyone has grown this particular strain and what kind of results they had indoors and/or out. Did flowering take a bit to get started? and what weeks did you notice the most acceleration?

I may just be paranoid but I feel like flowering has taken a littler longer than I originally anticipated to get going, anyone else have this issue?
Did you really veg it for two months using 400w HPS? Do you have pictures? Because I would really like to see how your plant looks like after that. :confused: :confused:


Active Member
no, weedyweedy, i didn't. i vegged it for 2 months using a metal halide then switched to hps. i don't want spacey buds yo! haha. i'm a somewhat experienced grower just new to the satori strain.


Well-Known Member
cant really help much because i havnt grown this strain before but there is someone with a journal on here with satori it is supposed to be a really good strain,i would at a guess say your problem is a light leak just seams a long time to show pistils.sry cant help more but goodluck.


Active Member
no, weedyweedy, i didn't. i vegged it for 2 months using a metal halide then switched to hps. i don't want spacey buds yo! haha. i'm a somewhat experienced grower just new to the satori strain.
Same banana, still 400w.

2 months of veg in a 400w setup is a long time. Your plant must really be tall by now.