Sativa vs indica

Wow, this webpage has come into clutch. If someone can add me on my Snapchat though so I can do some videos of my plants that would be nice.

Sc: cannacalista

I am aware all plants grow different but I am noticing a HUGE difference in the amount of budding in my two plants. One is indica hyb and the other is sativa hyb. The indica buds are not nearly as formed as the sativa and I’m wondering if that is normal? I can post pics but I feel that a video may give better viewing results and also I can hear someone guiding me on if I am doing things right. I also forget to check this thing so someone help. My user name is above.

I’m 100% new to this lol

thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Wow, this webpage has come into clutch. If someone can add me on my Snapchat though so I can do some videos of my plants that would be nice.

Sc: cannacalista

I am aware all plants grow different but I am noticing a HUGE difference in the amount of budding in my two plants. One is indica hyb and the other is sativa hyb. The indica buds are not nearly as formed as the sativa and I’m wondering if that is normal? I can post pics but I feel that a video may give better viewing results and also I can hear someone guiding me on if I am doing things right. I also forget to check this thing so someone help. My user name is above.

I’m 100% new to this lol

thanks in advance!
Pictures are fine