sativa strains for a kind of cold climate


Well-Known Member
you wont find any true sativas that do well up here, there may be a hybrid that has the high you are looking for and still finish on time, however i have always relyed on heavy indicas like legends ultamite indica, or LUI very heavy couchlock high but retarded is retarded ya know, conan obrian is just as funny with


Well-Known Member
nowadays they call ATF "mantuskana tundra", and it is sold by sagramatha seeds....apparently the word thunderfuck was offensive for some reason...??


Well-Known Member
ATF is Alaskan Thunder Fuck it is not mantuskana tundra. ATF is only available by clone. Mantuskana tundra is available be seed.

According to the CannaBible #1 by Jason King the strain that Sagamatha Seeds sells as Matanuska Tundra is NOT related to ATF. Sagamatha's is more Indica based and generic (ATF is Sativa).


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum beaner. You sound knowledgable, and funny. You can do the research if you want. I'd just take Mogies word for it. If you are going to research it , there was a fairly lengthy discussion in here once, you may want to look for that one. VV


Well-Known Member
well i will take his word for it, where i come from clones arent to easy to come by, much less clones of rare strains not available by seed. i have no doubt your right but i would like to say, jason king is a deuche bag, and the cannabibles are nothing but pretty pictures hiding the fact that the seed companys that paid the most got the best mentions and pics. even though they are pretty pics, and he knows more about the plant than i ever will. still he is a wanker...