Sativa Photo's in ProMix HP and Mega Crop one part

Just a "side note" @chuckeye, I've gotten away from using the expensive grow shop Pro Mix, and have been using the "Inexpensive" Pro Mix from Menards, its only $14 a bale, and my plants don't have any issues with it. 1/2 of my Swamp Boxes are running last years soil, and plants are chugging along without a problem.
Your plants are looking good, hope the Harvest is a bountiful one for you this run!!!!!!!!!
Thanks @Kgrim !

Nice Trees you got there ;)

Thanks @Kgrim !

Nice Trees you got there ;)

Thanks @chuckeye!!!!!
Gonna be a LONG harvest session this year, thankfully I broke down and bought a Centurion trimmer last year, and a Cannatrol this year. Trying to make things a little easier and faster, since work takes so much out of my old ass, LOL. I need any advantage I can get!!!!!!!!!!
Amnesia Auto, Day 35.

Senior moment, forgot to switch to MaxiBloom last watering, she has gone from showing pistils to building buds in two days !

Day 35 Amnesia Auto 12 Aug.jpg

A close up of the top of the Green Crack photo.

She was the one started in a single serving yogurt container, one of two GM Maxi nutrient test subjects and received 1.6g in 3L of water two days ago. Medium feed schedule says 3g/gallon for early veg. I gave the equivalent of 2.1g/gallon.

I was looking for how much is too much and although this isn't a typical nutrient burn it sure isn't vigorous growth.

Perhaps someone familiar with the Maxi series can comment ?

Day 35 Green Crack Top 12 Aug.jpg

Group shot.

Day 35 The Girls 12 Aug.jpg

Day 37.

The Amnesia Auto was ready for a drink today. She received 4L with 2.1g of MaxiBloom ;)

Note to self, just for reference measure the ppm's !

The canopy is at 18", the two top branches are about 6" long. Call it 24" !

Day 37 Amnesia Auto 14 Aug.jpg

The Double Chocolate is turning into a very nice bush ! Her training is about a week ahead of most of the other girls.

Day 37 Double Chocolate 14 Aug.jpg

Durban Poison, first LST today. Short and squat and Full. I was tempted to remove a few fans but decided to wait a couple of days !

Day 37 Durban Poison 14 Aug.jpg

Green Crack, the larger of the two. First LST.

Day 37 Green Crack 14 Aug.jpg

Lambs Bread, also first LST.

Day 37 Lambs Bread 14 Aug.jpg

And the smaller of the two Green Cracks. She seems to have pulled through what I thought was a borderline overfeeding !

Training to commence shortly....

Day 37 Small Green Crack 14 Aug.jpg

Group shot.

Day 37 The Girls 14 Aug.jpg

A what the heck moment on Day 38 ;)

The Double Chocolate is in a 11"W x 9" tall bag, she took 4L with virtually no run off.

The small Green Crack is in a 9"W x 11" tall bag, she took 4L with enough run off to cover the bottom of her 14" saucer.

Same volume of medium but the Double Chocolate is easily twice the plant size...

And remembered to take some readings !

2g/4L of MC was 630 ppm and ph of 7.0

1.6g/4L of MaxiGro was 600 ppm and ph of 7.0

And just now tested the raw water, it was 7.4

Day 40

First up is one of my two Maxi series test subjects, the smaller of the two Green Cracks.

Sadly, I think she has served her purpose and will have to give up her spot ;)

Then the Amnesia Auto can go in the middle and when she's done there will be more room for the remaining four.

Last watering the Green Crack received 1.6g of MaxiGro in 4L of water. PPM was 600 and ph 7.0

I found a site last night that had a ten year long thread with 197 posts on the Maxi series. Seems there were quite a few members feeding 5g/gallon all the way through veg and 7g/gallon all the way through flower :o

Guess I'm just too used to slowly working my way up !

Day 40 Small Green Crack 17 Aug.jpg

The Amnesia Auto received 2.2g of MaxiBloom in 4L of water. She does have one bottom yellow leaf so I will up her feed next watering.

This is just before lights out.....

Day 40 Amnesia Auto 17 Aug.jpg

Double Chocolate is the bushiest of the four Sativa's. Will not be long before she needs stakes.

Day 40 Double Chocolate 17 Aug.jpg

Durban Poison is coming along but still the smallest ?

Day 40 Durban Poison 17 Aug.jpg

Green Crack has only been topped. How nice that she conveniently spread herself out !

Day 40 Green Crack 17 Aug.jpg

Lambs Bread

Day 40 Lambs Bread 17 Aug.jpg

Group shot

Day 40 The Girls 17 Aug.jpg

Amnesia Auto, Day 42/end of week 6.

She is drinking 4L every three days now. Feed today with 3g of MaxiBloom in 4L of water !

That one bottom yellow leaf was the only sign of stress and it has dried up completely.

Day 42 Amnesia Auto 19 Aug.jpg

Day 42 Amnesia Auto Two 19 Aug.jpg

Day 42 Amnesia Auto Three 19 Aug.jpg

Day 44

How convenient, they all needed watering today !

First up is the Amnesia Auto, she received 3.5g of MaxiBloom in 4 L of water. One bottom leaf is just starting to yellow so I will up the dose next feed.

Her canopy is at ~ 20" and she's 24" across.

Day 44 Amnesia Auto 21 Aug.jpg

Double Chocolate is roughly 20" x 20" .

All the photo's received 3.5g of MC in 4L of water. Actually more like 4.5L and just enough to start to see some run off.

Day 44 Double Chocolate 21 Aug.jpg

Durban Poison is finally looking as vigorous as I like to see, she has caught up and surpassed the Lambs Bread.

Her canopy is at ~ 16" and 24" wide with very little urging ! I think she was just a light eater and needed a little more time to get her legs under her.

Day 44 Durban Poison 21 Aug.jpg

The Green Crack MaxiGro girl is also looking good and hasn't needed hardly any LST to spread her branches.

She received 3.5g of MaxiGro in 4L of water. This is her post watering droop...

Day 44 Green Crack 21 Aug.jpg

Lambs Bread !

Day 44 Lambs Bread 21 Aug.jpg

The small Green Crack MaxiGro girl. I was concerned there was an interaction going on between whatever remained of her original feeding with MC so I did a 3X flush with the final containing 3g in 4L of MaxiGro.

She also got a hair cut with just the four branches remaining from her topping !

Day 44 Small Green Crack 21 Aug.jpg

Group shot. The plan is four bamboo sticks each with a hoop or ring of wire about 24" across.

Day 44 The Girls 21 Aug.jpg

Day 47

Feed and hair cut day !

Looking at the pictures now I could have taken a few more bottom leaves but they were in good positions to continue doing their jobs. Just not so tidy, he, he...

I did get around to picking up some bamboo stakes. After diving into trimming I decided to corral the outlying branches together with wire for now. The goal being a 2' x 2' or so footprint.

Later in flower/stretch I will make a cage with the stakes and more wire...

I am planning on using that "cage" to pull down any tops that get out of control !

I don't care to super crop but I've had good results pulling down tops well into flower.

All of the initial tie downs have been removed. The main tops shapes are established.

Day 47  Tie Branches 24 Aug.jpg

Amnesia Auto is showing just the teeny tiny bit of leaf tip burn so she received the same amount of MaxiBloom as last feed, 3.5g/4L. Took off some of the lower flowers that won't amount to anything, they are drying for a little test :weed:

Day 47  Amnesia Auto 24 Aug.jpg

The Double Chocolate is a little out of control, in a good way ! She was ready for water again after 36 hours !

I gave her 4g/4L of MC again.

Day 47  Double Chocolate 24 Aug.jpg

The smaller of the two Green Cracks is looking promising, she received 3.5g/4L of MaxiGro.

Day 47  Green Crack Maxi 24 Aug.jpg

Lambs Bread seems to be lagging at bit, this is her post water droop ! 3.5g/4L of MC.

BTW > I used to fret over drooping but within a half hour or so they are all back praying.

And only half of them do that...

Day 47  Lambs Bread 24 Aug.jpg

The other Green Crack on MaxiGro, now @ 4g/4L.

Day 47 Green Crack 24 Aug.jpg

Durban Poison

They say you are supposed to love all your children the same but this girl is the one I am most looking forward to smoking ;)

Day 47 Durban Poison 24 Aug.jpg

Group Shot.

Day 47 The Girls 24 Aug.jpg

Coming along a treat mate, great grow and journal. I've got a couple autos I'm trialling now but I don't think I'll be doing any training on them this time. Cheers.
Quick note !

Day 52, second day of flip to 12/12.

All the girls are on 4g/4L of their respective nutrients and I'm barely stretching watering to three days.

Amnesia Auto's canopy has stabilized @ 20 1/2".

All the other girls have grown 1" in the last 24 hours.

EXCEPT the Double Chocolate, she has grown TWO inches and is @ 30" ;)

The two Green Cracks are just behind @ 24". Durban Poison @ 22", Lambs Bread @ 17".

If she keeps up this behavior I am thinking about topping her 8 main branches....

And still expect to have to tie her down...

Not looking to set any records here, might just be easier to maintain an even canopy.

Day 51  Double Chocolate top one 28 Aug.jpg

Day 52 Double Chocolate top two 28 Aug.jpg

Day 52  Double Chocolate top three 28 Aug.jpg

Amnesia Auto, Day 35.

Senior moment, forgot to switch to MaxiBloom last watering, she has gone from showing pistils to building buds in two days !

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A close up of the top of the Green Crack photo.

She was the one started in a single serving yogurt container, one of two GM Maxi nutrient test subjects and received 1.6g in 3L of water two days ago. Medium feed schedule says 3g/gallon for early veg. I gave the equivalent of 2.1g/gallon.

I was looking for how much is too much and although this isn't a typical nutrient burn it sure isn't vigorous growth.

Perhaps someone familiar with the Maxi series can comment ?

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Group shot.

View attachment 5180114

Promix hp for the win....i dont know if ill ever stop using it...
I like promix bx will alittle more perlite added. Ive had good luck with it using gh flora trio..
Edit:: with* alittle more perlite added..
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I like promix bx will alittle more perlite added. Ive had good luck with it using gh flora trio..
This says it better than I can !
PRO-MIX BX and HP? PRO-MIX BX is a general purpose growing medium, compared to PRO-MIX HP which is a High Porosity growing medium. These products are the same in pH and chemical properties. The difference is that PRO-MIX HP contains a higher percent of perlite than PRO-MIX BX

Me too !

I'm curious about various nutrients but Not the ProMix HP...

I run blue planet farmers pride with botanicare calmag and a few extras with great results....i always have to add a tad lime to my bales to bring my runoff to 6-6.3. Straight outta the bag i always get 5.6-5.7 which is too low for me...