Sativa or Indica


Active Member
Title says it all. Planted an old seed to see if it would grow and it did. Is there any way to tell by the pictures if its Indica or Sativa?


Well-Known Member
I can't tell yet.... it's still really young, although looks like it could be indica in the early going.......


Active Member
I hadn't been able to water it for a few days and when I went to check on it it was top heavy and wilted. I moved locations and watered it. I placed the straw around it for extra support. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Too young.

But my money (though not a lot) would be on indica.

A few more nodes will help.

Chill. either or, you are getting high.
its to early but i got babies that r indicas and the leafs r so much fatter tha those and i got 2 sativas and there skinner than ypurs so idk check out my gallery people!!!!