Sativa long time flowering


Active Member
The closeup is the right plant (showed itself as a male and death came quick for it)

The one on the left has always been the champ since sprout. They were both flowering for about a week and a half when the Indica on the right revealed its male sex and was soon disposed of.

During this time the Left plant has been moved to the center (the clones have been moved). But nothing is happening with the left plant, its not showing sex or flowering of any kind.

I've heard that some sativas require 18/6 dark/light to flower so ive been running that for about 4 days. Does that seem like the ideal lighting rotation?



bud bootlegger
i have never heard of a sativa needing 18 hours of light to flower.. always 12/12... sativa's do take wayyyy longer to flower than indicas.. and in fact, females usually take longer to show sex than males, so maybe this is a good sign...
if i were you, i would put it back under 12/12 and leave it like that.. switching the lights back and forth from 18/6 to 12/12 and back to 18/6 can stress a plant... i am not saying that you are doing this as i don't know of course... but i would just put her back under the 12/12 and let it be.....


Active Member
I've heard that some sativas require 18/6 dark/light to flower so ive been running that for about 4 days. Does that seem like the ideal lighting rotation?

It's not going to flower in 18/6. You need to go 12/12 to start the cycle.


Well-Known Member
so wait ur flowering under 18\6??
some strains do, its a lil rare but yea there hav been reports. but yea love the plant tho wat soil?? lights??? system?? r u using???


Well-Known Member
well actualy alot of sativas come from more along the line of tropical islands where the sun doesnt go down to 12 hours of darkness. so yea they can flower but its not needed, and ive heard this on this website....'if it aint broke, dont fix it' -Darkdestruction420 hahaha....


Active Member
thanks all of you for your pointers, with unanimous advice around the table I will be resuming the original 12/12 light asap.


Active Member
so wait ur flowering under 18\6??
some strains do, its a lil rare but yea there hav been reports. but yea love the plant tho wat soil?? lights??? system?? r u using???
Straight hydro here, took the basic ideas of the stealth hydro products and built them myself. Both large plants were each in a 5 gallon DWC (left) but the one on the right was placed into a small temporary reservoir with a temporary addition of air going into the water.

Some trials were run on the left plant to see if i could make it change colors, the result was an unsightly gunk throughout the root system. the small res + super bubbles cleaned the roots right out (with constant changing of the water of course)

but he turned out to be male anyways :-/

Just cut the top off of a drinking water 5 gallon and cover the top with aluminum foil (light on your roots= breeding grounds for rootborne pathogens and algae). make sure you cut the top off just right so that the net pot fits snugly and stays suspended inside the top of the DWC. punch a hole in the top next to where the net pot sits and run and air hose down connected to a pump and a bubble stone. and blickety bam! instant deep water culture