Sativa Landrace (South India)


Sativa landrace, south india,

this was not an planned out grow more of one that just happen to be... ;)
anyway after not having the time to look after it and also there's some smaller safety issues i had to take it down.
it was in flowering (small flowers started like 50 days back before that at least 150 days of veg) but no bud, although i guess it was still a matter of time...
had a cow eating half the plant after a month or so guess it acted like an trimming.. mother nature :)
sorry for the photo quality but here it goes..

1: full plant stretching 2 m
2: roots
3: harvest
4 and 5: realizing that this is really not worth a nights work and starting to make hash using acetone instead,


to be continued. new seeds in the ground this time full focus.
there was never any lack in motivation just bad timings bla bla.
anyway nice to get started on these local ones. ;) ;)
the quest continues..



Well-Known Member
acetone, my wife would like to know if you can remove her nail polish? Acetone removed products seem to be greasy!



[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]blazinggrngras> yes probably cause it was treated like ditch weed, as well as cut down way before budding, if it would have finished im sure i would have had my best smoke ever ;)

ProfessorPotSnob> Thanks for somebody finally confirmed that, 16 weeks hm Thanks a lot for that info you dont happen to have any good thread link regarding this kind of plant do you?
had another thingking about the cow and thats also prob. biggest reason for the extremstretch in time, i mean the cow ate a lot of the plant just when it started to flower, prob cause a lot of time to bulid up again and not as i first was thinking its like trimming hm. clarity..its hazy sometimes haha:)

ru4r341> haha cant say i would describe it as greasy in any way, the hashoil is greasy though.. ;)