Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

I dont believe or disbelieve, I have taken no position due to inadequate models (with no predictive value whatsoever) and a TINY relative sample size.

Just like I said, you are a dumbass denialist, just like Kynes. Denying it at this point is tantamount to denying evolution or tobacco causes cancer

The Earth has warmed and cooled before, so I'm reserving judgement like any other sane person should.

Not at this rate in over 800,000 years beginning at exactly the same time of the industrial revolution, dumbass

how do we get off carbon based fuels without even a workable prototype technology to replace it?

There are plenty of viable alternatives to fossil fuels, you're just too stupid to understand how they work, and too politically biased to care
Just like I said, you are a dumbass denialist, just like Kynes. Denying it at this point is tantamount to denying evolution or tobacco causes cancer

Not at this rate in over 800,000 years beginning at exactly the same time of the industrial revolution, dumbass

There are plenty of viable alternatives to fossil fuels, you're just too stupid to understand how they work, and too politically biased to care
Wow, 800,000 years?

That's only like 0.01% of the planet's age, thats a fucking HUGE sample size.

EDIT: For a dumbass like you who cant handle numbers, that'd be like judging the weather of a entire day by only looking at 14 seconds of it that day.
They ranked researcher's expertise based on the amount of papers they've published, and the amount of times their papers were referenced...

The circle jerk continues...
honestly that is a fairly objective way to gauge a scientist's credibility, as long as the "citations" are examined to make sure they

1 : accurately reflect the opinion of the paper cited
2 : are not actually debunking his claims (all the times i have had to talk about COOK, one might think i place some weight behind his assertions...)
3 : are actually real publications, not pay for print "journals" that are really worthless garbage (like I-sis dot org, which is laughable)
4 : the clown is not citing himself endlessly (see I-sis dot org and "skeptical science" ..lulz)
and it does NOT say what wikipedia claims.

instead of "more than half" (which would be better served by the more accurate 51% anyhow) they use the scary loaded phrase "dominant cause" and so on and so on.

even the dumbed down "executive summary for policy makers" didnt beat the war drum that vigorously.

and you are the one now denying the content of IPCC 5.

funny how that works when you are confronted on your LIES

Goddamn you are dumb beyond belief

Your goddamn dumb ass is sitting there arrogantly claiming you are smarter than hundreds of thousands of scientists, people who get paid to study what the fuck the climate is doing day in day out. Every single day you're on RIU getting off on being dumber than people, they're out there taking measurements, acquiring data, solving equations.. fixing real world shit.

You can deny til the cows come home Kynes because science doesn't give a shit about your opinions or beliefs

So you don't believe in peer reviews as a process?
Did it state they were all peer reviewed?

Did it state that they were published in relevant, valid and reliable journals?

Your willingness to accept any and all statements on face value without examining the underlying content is disturbing, especially considering you dont seem like the usual dumb-dumbs on here.
Has anyone got a scholarly article I can read through that denies climate change and the implications of Carbon Dioxide? If you only have access to an abstract I'm sure I can gain access to the full article. I would like it to have a method section as well.

This paper is one that caught my eye when it came out.
If you want I have a rebuttal and response, too. But I don't think the rebuttal was well made (from what I remember when I read it) perhaps because it was done by a chemist who did not address the physics--which is the main argument of the paper--and the response was bordering on petulant (or RIU-worthy).


Goddamn you are dumb beyond belief

Your goddamn dumb ass is sitting there arrogantly claiming you are smarter than hundreds of thousands of scientists, people who get paid to study what the fuck the climate is doing day in day out. Every single day you're on RIU getting off on being dumber than people, they're out there taking measurements, acquiring data, solving equations.. fixing real world shit.

You can deny til the cows come home Kynes because science doesn't give a shit about your opinions or beliefs
If by acquiring data you mean erroneously assigning quantative methods to qualitative data (from only fucking abstracts of all things) using a made-up formula to reach a 97% consensus figure, then its not science its pseudoscience, like psychology or biblical studies.
Goddamn you are dumb beyond belief

Your goddamn dumb ass is sitting there arrogantly claiming you are smarter than hundreds of thousands of scientists, people who get paid to study what the fuck the climate is doing day in day out. Every single day you're on RIU getting off on being dumber than people, they're out there taking measurements, acquiring data, solving equations.. fixing real world shit.

You can deny til the cows come home Kynes because science doesn't give a shit about your opinions or beliefs
apparently i am smarter than you cuz i can read the actual report and see that it is radically different from previous reports and radically different from the wikipedia claims about the report. yet you continue to defend the indefensible

apparently i'm smarter than bucky cuz i can read the report "cited" in his cartoon, discover that the cartoon's "citation is fake, and prove it, yet he continues to defend it vigorously.

apparently im smarter than Cook, cuz i know you cant cite yourself again and again, cite wikipedia, and then cite Goddamned Hot Topic and expect to be taken seriously
there are quite a few.

just go to "skeptical science" and check out their Name and Shame page of "climate deniers" then examine the data that cook so casually dismisses with his mighty Bachelors Of Communication Powers and the scientician authority it grants him. ,

the walmart employee is talking credentials now.
If by acquiring data you mean erroneously assigning quantative methods to qualitative data (from only fucking abstracts of all things) using a made-up formula to reach a 97% consensus figure, then its not science its pseudoscience, like psychology or biblical studies.
hey now. biblical studies is a real science, full of dedicated researchers, tireless seekers of truth and ... fuck i cant go on.

hey now. biblical studies is a real science, full of dedicated researchers, tireless seekers of truth and ... fuck i cant go on.


why are you making fun of bible thumpers when your "well respected scientist" roy spencer is a signatory to an evangelical pledge on AGW and ardent creationist?
apparently i am smarter than you cuz i can read the actual report and see that it is radically different from previous reports and radically different from the wikipedia claims about the report. yet you continue to defend the indefensible

apparently i'm smarter than bucky cuz i can read the report "cited" in his cartoon, discover that the cartoon's "citation is fake, and prove it, yet he continues to defend it vigorously.

apparently im smarter than Cook, cuz i know you cant cite yourself again and again, cite wikipedia, and then cite Goddamned Hot Topic and expect to be taken seriously

Token. Fuckin'. Kook.

Congratulations, have fun with that!

Thank you for providing some comic relief to the politics section :)
even NASA says 30 billion tonnes of CO2 per year.

does the walmart employee who reads "thenewamerican" know better than NASA?