
Stark Raving

Active Member
Eye> Shit man, I gotta admit, the iron/bagel analogy is one of the best I've ever heard. I may not agree with you, but that was a great explination of your views. Good on ya for that one.


New Member
I feel like people unjustly blame the devil for every single thing that goes wrong I mean sometimes there's no doubt that the devil is responsible but other times I feel like people use the devil as a scapegoat to cope with their problems.
I just wanna know how he gets back up the chimney...


Active Member
oh yeah he knew the bitch was doin witchcraft i knew her ex boyfriend and he said he swears he saw her fight a demon like it was nuts the bitch was doing black masses next door in his house and my buddy was stayin there he said in the middle of the night he would hear people havin a conversation and doors opening and shit and there was no power in the house so yeah crazy shit i had a dream one night i was outside my body right lookin in my room everything was the same and i heard evil laughin and well my closet door is always closed and its hard as fuck to open you got to pull hard and in the dream it opened and the laughing was still happening well i woke up and my closet door was open


Well-Known Member
More Rape and Baby Killing

Anyone who is captured will be run through with a sword. Their little children will be dashed to death right before their eyes. Their homes will be sacked and their wives raped by the attacking hordes. For I will stir up the Medes against Babylon, and no amount of silver or gold will buy them off. The attacking armies will shoot down the young people with arrows. They will have no mercy on helpless babies and will show no compassion for the children. (Isaiah 13:15-18 NLT)
That's fucked up, did Jesus tell them to do that? Did god tell them to do that? Or did some guy say "yeah let's fuck them up"?


Well-Known Member
Kill Women Who Are Not Virgins On Their Wedding Night

But if this charge is true (that she wasn't a virgin on her wedding night), and evidence of the girls virginity is not found, they shall bring the girl to the entrance of her fathers house and there her townsman shall stone her to death, because she committed a crime against Israel by her unchasteness in her father's house. Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst. (Deuteronomy 22:20-21 NAB)
Again, did god or Jesus say to do this?


Well-Known Member
Lets rape and sack the homes of the people who belive this shit and see how much faith they got when were done LOL
Lol, like the people of the bible are dick heads. But Jesus was a chill dude and why are the dick heads speaking for god? I'm gonna follow my morals and trust that if there is a god he will do the right thing.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
i feel like people unjustly blame the devil for every single thing that goes wrong i mean sometimes there's no doubt that the devil is responsible but other times i feel like people use the devil as a scapegoat to cope with their problems.
lol what are the things that are 'no doubt the devil ? Lol

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
In Soviet Russia, Pravda wears devil. cn
...I know a russian psychiatrist (female, jewish) who's name is alla. Once, she was to see a manic patient (male, muslim) who was wandering the streets sure that allah was coming for him. He was screaming for a doctor to save him. Now in the hospital, staff kept saying "the doctor's coming, just hang on!". He doesn't quit screaming and one nurse (frustrated) finally says "look! alla is just down the hall, ok? everything's going to be alright in a couple of minutes..."



Well-Known Member
oh yeah he knew the bitch was doin witchcraft i knew her ex boyfriend and he said he swears he saw her fight a demon like it was nuts the bitch was doing black masses next door in his house and my buddy was stayin there he said in the middle of the night he would hear people havin a conversation and doors opening and shit and there was no power in the house so yeah crazy shit i had a dream one night i was outside my body right lookin in my room everything was the same and i heard evil laughin and well my closet door is always closed and its hard as fuck to open you got to pull hard and in the dream it opened and the laughing was still happening well i woke up and my closet door was open

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Three million witches in the world wish witchcraft was anywhere NEAR that hardcore.

For the most part, witchcraft involves thinking happy thoughts and lighting a candle, or dancing around a fire or maypole at the solstice.