sarah silverman's handy rape prevention tips

No. It's not dipshit.

yes, consensual and voluntary is exactly how you described pedophilia.

Do you remember lil' Bucky when you earned your first couple of bucks as a kid mowing somebodies lawn or in your case maybe letting the creep down the street touch you in special places...When you earned that money it was because you had made a voluntary agreement. If you did X , somebody would pay you Y.

I never heard you answer my question though, if the nature of an act, even if it is reprehensible, can change whether or not the participants consented to it ?
No it isn't. You are implying I approve of the choices people make about their own property, when I am simply recognizing if it truly is their property, it's not my business to tell them how to use it or the business of anybody else. I feel the same way about a person and their body. It's not up to me to run others lives, until they try to run my life or deprive me of my property.

You are creating a position for me that doesn't exist. That means you're losing.

No, you clearly and specifically state that people and businesses should not be forcibly made to deny people of service based on skin color. You are saying people are free to make their own decisions about interpersonal interactions regardless of impact of others. That is what you believe. Don't deny it, and don't twist words.

You're a racist hack.
No, you clearly and specifically state that people and businesses should not be forcibly made to deny people of service based on skin color. You are saying people are free to make their own decisions about interpersonal interactions regardless of impact of others. That is what you believe. Don't deny it, and don't twist words.

You're a racist hack.

Nope. I can and do recognize the right of somebody to use their property and their body as they see fit, without approving of the things they do with them. Two separate things there.

I'm not a racist.
i've already posted the quotes where you describe pedophilia as voluntary and consensual.

No, I said when the involved parties consent to something, the nature of the act even it is heinous doesn't change the fact that consent was given.

Therefore, a heinous act, isn't by the nature of the act nonconsensual or consensual. It could be either.

You are swinging wildly and attempting to make me into a person that isn't peaceful. Good luck there Mr. Anger Management.
Nope. I can and do recognize the right of somebody to use their property and their body as they see fit, without approving of the things they do with them. Two separate things there.

I'm not a racist.

I recognize your belief, I just don't believe in it, neither does society. The only people who do hold the same values as you are racist bigots. You can claim you are not a racist bigot all you want, but the fact remains the core values you hold dear to you are the same core values as racist bigots.

I'm sorry you don't see that.
why do you think that children can consent to being paid for sex?

Define consent please.

Do you consider the lollipops the bad man gave you as payment?

I consented to sex with a mature female when I was a young teen. I don't think I was raped. In fact I thought her tits were really cool. You were probably out shitting on floors as a teen though weren't you?
I recognize your belief, I just don't believe in it, neither does society. The only people who do hold the same values as you are racist bigots. You can claim you are not a racist bigot all you want, but the fact remains the core values you hold dear to you are the same core values as racist bigots.

I'm sorry you don't see that.

Okay. So you think using force is okay when people that want to remain on their own property don't agree with you?

How many houses have you burgled? Shit on any floors?

Also "society" is a poor barometer when it comes to which beliefs are moral or not. Society once thought controlling other people by force was still do.
no, you were the one who sais that children can consent to being paid for sex, so the burden is on you to define consent.

Okay, consent is when duress is absent from a situation, and all parties willingly participate or approve.

People can and do consent to heinous acts. The nature of the act does not prove or disprove whether consent was involved.

Have a good night....Meathead.

P.S. - For the record I think you should have gotten more than a couple of lollipops when you consented to the heinous act with the badman.
Okay. So you think using force is okay when people that want to remain on their own property don't agree with you?

How many houses have you burgled? Shit on any floors?

Also "society" is a poor barometer when it comes to which beliefs are moral or not. Society once thought controlling other people by force was still do.

Hitchen's Razor has cut you deep.

Your question is bait, and rife with circular logic. Rephrase your question, "So you think using force is okay when people that want to remain on their own property don't agree with you?" - What the fuck does that even mean? Be specific. I know you think you are highly intelligent, but your questions you pose are inane nonsense.

Are you trying to ask me, "Do you think people of authority have the right to forcibly make you comply to rules when all you want to do is remain peaceful on your own property?" - If that is what you are asking me, then I would agree. I would also continue to say, that if that is indeed happening to you right now, you should report that to the authorities, or contact a lawyer, you may have a harassment case on your hands. But I suspect that is not what is happening, and you are simply crying rape.

I've never burglarized a home or shit on any floors. What does that have to do with your inane nonsense bullshit questions?

Society is most certainly a very good "barometer" when determining social standards and sentiment. Now you're just being silly.

Yes, I do believe in a society that should force people who are racist and bigots to simply die. There has been and never will be a place for your kind in society.
By this statement alone, we can conclude you think statutory rape, by definition is not actually rape, and is ok.

You state, specifically, that anything consensual requires the consent of involved parties, you are state, specifically, that nobody should be forcibly coerced into making a decision they do not want to make. Therefore, you are saying statutory rape is ok.

You are one sick fuck.

Other than insults could you awaken your pea brain and describe why consent is not consent when an act may be heinous?
i shit on the floor of the wendy's at val vista and warner, the stall on the left, when i was 17.

my friend who was working there had to clean it up.

we all had a good laugh.

if you are ever in the area, will you take a pic of the stall?
Hitchen's Razor has cut you deep.

Your question is bait, and rife with circular logic. Rephrase your question, "So you think using force is okay when people that want to remain on their own property don't agree with you?" - What the fuck does that even mean? Be specific. I know you think you are highly intelligent, but your questions you pose are inane nonsense.

Are you trying to ask me, "Do you think people of authority have the right to forcibly make you comply to rules when all you want to do is remain peaceful on your own property?" - If that is what you are asking me, then I would agree. I would also continue to say, that if that is indeed happening to you right now, you should report that to the authorities, or contact a lawyer, you may have a harassment case on your hands. But I suspect that is not what is happening, and you are simply crying rape.

I've never burglarized a home or shit on any floors. What does that have to do with your inane nonsense bullshit questions?

Society is most certainly a very good "barometer" when determining social standards and sentiment. Now you're just being silly.

Yes, I do believe in a society that should force people who are racist and bigots to simply die. There has been and never will be a place for your kind in society.

So, a person that isn't a racist, (me) should be castigated for thinking I have no more right to control a racist property as I do a non racist property and that right?

You seem controlling and full of conflation and false accusations.
i shit on the floor of the wendy's at val vista and warner, the stall on the left, when i was 17.

my friend who was working there had to clean it up.

we all had a good laugh.

if you are ever in the area, will you take a pic of the stall?

I don't do fast food, but I will try and make a note of that and head over to take a pic.
Other than insults could you awaken your pea brain and describe why consent is not consent when an act may be heinous?

I have done nothing but point out all your inane fallacies. If you consider those insults, then by all means, continue to be butt hurt. The fact remains, your circular inane bullshit has been hole punched.


So, a person that isn't a racist, (me) should be castigated for thinking I have no more right to control a racist property as I do a non racist property and that right?

You seem controlling and full of conflation and false accusations.

Right, if you are not discriminating people from use of your business, then there is no need to control or force you to do anything, as you are already doing what society deems "ok". Once you do stupid shit like murder or rape or discriminate against people, rules need to be forcibly applied to you.

And round and round we go.
