"Served as Governor of the state of Alaska from 2006 to 2009. Republican candidate for Vice President of the United States. A member of the Wassilla city council and the mayor from 1996 to 2002. Ran for Lieutenant Governor of Alaska in 2006. First Alaskan candidate of either major party on a national ticket, as well as the first female vice-presidential nominee of the Republican Party."
I think Sarah Palin is perfectly capable of writing her own material.
SHE QUIT YOU IDIOT. im tired of you dumbass republican fools sticking up for sarah palin. she is a fucking joke. no one takes this bitch serious except the 21% of americans who are still republican. so FUCK YOU[/QUOTE]
Obviously Mrphilliplesjh, you are one of those "compassionate," "tolerant" liberals. And, based upon your above response (in red), damned intelligent too.