Sarah Huckabee Sanders told to go FK yourself

it's very serious and much against the law to alter food/drink with bodily fluids or excrement. with the right prosecutor- attempted murder if you're sick in any way.

carry on.
That fat, ugly wombat of a woman, Sarah Sanders had a hard time getting dinner in the D.C. area on Friday. She and her family were asked to leave the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Va.

Jaike Foley-Schultz, who says he is a waiter at the Red Hen, shared a post on Facebook that said his boss kicked out the press secretary and her party.

The post went viral when the director of Clean Virginia, a left-leaning energy nonprofit, shared the post on Twitter, along with a handwritten note, purportedly from the restaurant, with the note: “86 — Sara Huckabee Sanders.”

Well, for anyone in the restaurant waiter/waitress trade that means spit in her food, and after she takes a mouthful, throw that bitch out onto the street

I really get a kick out of this, seeing as the Supreme Court recently stated that it was OK for those bakers from Colorado to refuse service to that gay couple that simply wanted a fucking wedding cake, and it was against "their religion too serve gays"

And they fucking won ?

So, it is with great pleasure to see that an owner with principles of a restaurant to say too Sanders, get the fuck out of here you fat toad, and bring the rest of your toad like friends with you

Ha Ha Ha

Priceless :)

I wonder what actual reason they gave for not seating their party
They can however, (or should be able to) choose their preferences of how they will use their own property or their body. If other people make your choices for you, against your will, there is something morally wrong. Voluntary and mutually consenting human interactions versus involuntary.
Extremists, on all ends of all spectrums, are always idealists and thus never realists. Goes for nazis and their “ideals”, for lefties, and anarchists. Freedom requires others tolerating your freedom because the will to power is much stronger than the will to freedom. That’s just nature and the reality of living in a society. Tolerance is a necessary ingredient for a healthy and liberal society, tolerance for everything except the intolerant (e.g. nazis, racists, homophobes, religious fanatics, trump supporters and his staff).

The main error in your thinking is pretending imaginary free will is so important it justifies racism and pretty much everything else. It doesn’t. There is nothing morally wrong about forcing racists and nazis to stop infesting society with their immoral behavior, on the very contrary. Extra bonus points for headshots.

“If other people make your choices for you, against your will, there is something morally wrong.”
Well, yes. In this case, with you, with Sarah, Petfucker, and with the fictional restaurant owner refusing to serve black people.

fat bitch and her fat posse..would've LOVED to have seen the look on her face knowing her feed bag wasn't to be filled at The Red Hen, where she no doubt had her mouth all set for one of their menu items.
That fat, ugly wombat of a woman, Sarah Sanders had a hard time getting dinner in the D.C. area on Friday. She and her family were asked to leave the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Va.

Jaike Foley-Schultz, who says he is a waiter at the Red Hen, shared a post on Facebook that said his boss kicked out the press secretary and her party.

The post went viral when the director of Clean Virginia, a left-leaning energy nonprofit, shared the post on Twitter, along with a handwritten note, purportedly from the restaurant, with the note: “86 — Sara Huckabee Sanders.”

Well, for anyone in the restaurant waiter/waitress trade that means spit in her food, and after she takes a mouthful, throw that bitch out onto the street

I really get a kick out of this, seeing as the Supreme Court recently stated that it was OK for those bakers from Colorado to refuse service to that gay couple that simply wanted a fucking wedding cake, and it was against "their religion too serve gays"

And they fucking won ?

So, it is with great pleasure to see that an owner with principles of a restaurant to say too Sanders, get the fuck out of here you fat toad, and bring the rest of your toad like friends with you

Ha Ha Ha

Priceless :)
Any bar restaurant I've ever worked in... 86 just means to get rid of
Can you imagine the satisfaction of having a soup restaurant now in NY and some MAGAt or even Trump staff member walks in and you go

i applaud the owner of the restaurant. it's the same as them asking neonazi skinheads to's the same as asking klansmen in their sheets to leave. Sanders is the mouthpiece for a corrupt and biggoted administration, she took the job, she takes the shit that comes with identifying yourself with a misogynistic bigot
Are you soliciting for an additional asshole to put your head in?? I know you’re proper braindamaged but wtf man...

The difference is there is absolutely nothing morally wrong with any skincolor, nor is skincolor a choice. Sarah Hookerbitch Sanders got the same treatment every known Trump supporting piece of scum will get. This time we got you all on video, photos, and social media and face recognition apps are going to make it extremely easy to get the names of all of ya’ll nazi scum.

tRUmp supporters love false equivalency.
Can you imagine the satisfaction of having a soup restaurant now in NY and some MAGAt or even Trump staff member walks in and you go


Now that would be interesting if two black men and one being Ben Carson walked in the soup restaurant wearing red MAGA hats and tee-shirts. Do you let them eat in peace or no soup for you NEXT?
Now that would be interesting if two black men and one being Ben Carson walked in the soup restaurant wearing red MAGA hats and tee-shirts. Do you let them eat in peace or no soup for you NEXT?
I think it interesting you think that is” interesting” as if it creates a moral dilemma or something unfair would happen. Their skin color is irrelevant, no soup for Ben Carson and Kanye.