Sannies F8 Jack Herer


Well-Known Member
Can anyone vouch for it? for his rep... I love JH , XJ-13, J1 etc... I want... I have so many seeds already but I really want these so if anyone has some advice or pictures please send them my way!


Well-Known Member
It is an excellent representation of Jack Herer. Sannie has selected towards a version that has the classic spicy lemon Jack taste with a short-ish flowering time, and a rather copious yield. I grew the F7s and was very pleased. Still growing my favorite one. I did a smoke report in the smoke reports thread, but it was months and months ago.


Well-Known Member
Seedlings take so long and so does waiting for the new seeds to come :D gosh, I wish there was an instant satisfaction button. I can't wait to have some real jack back in the arsenal!