Oh no, by all means any questions are welcome. hmmm... that's interesting, so are you trying both? I have my doubts about that top feed. You said you did 3 like mine, are all six connected? did you use 1 inch tubing and put it at the right level on all buckets to control the solution height in the bucket compared to the bottom of the net pot. That 1 inch needs to be at the same level (mine is 5 or so inches off the bottom of the bucket for the 3 gal buckets) on every bucket including back to the res. Just don't want you to miss something. Depending on what pump you have you might end up having to get a smaller or bigger pump, I almost had to get a smaller one back when I only had a 2 bucket system and one return, 1 inch almost couldn't get rid of the solution fast enough. Now with 4 buckets and 2 returns it's just right.
I am doing both. I wish I would have seen your journal a few weeks ago when I first started building, I like your connections better than mine. At least I have one of the 2 "sets of 3 buckets" connected like yours for the water pump part. One "set" has a top feed connected to the cycle timer was at the advice of a hydro shop owner. I regret setting it up like that but at least now I can run them side by side to see if it makes any difference.
I didn't do the return lines with 1" tubing because I couldn't find the connectors anywhere in that size (neither grommets nor 1" bulk heads). Neither hydro shop had any 1" tubing either. Where did you get yours and did you have any problems with leaks? I did at first, but after enough teflon tape and silicone caulk it was finally fixed. Nothing scarier to me at this point than seeing a giant puddle of water on the floor, don't ever want that to happen again.
Thanks for the pointers on pump size/return lines and preventing overflow. It's all good now and flows smoothly with the buckets at the same level now.
Everything I did I posted in my journal so if you're interested, I'd love any advice if you get a chance to look through it.
I have a ton more questions but not sure if it's polite to ask them in your journal thread or mine.