Well-Known Member
What is wrong with staying at home if you can provide the lifestyle for yourself you want?
What is wrong with selling marijuana, a plant everyone on this website agrees should be legal?
It sounds to me like Buck has figured out a pretty decent way to live and a couple people are jealous, which is ironic as fuck because a couple people tend to tell me when I post anything regarding economic inequality that it's all on you, you have to figure out a way in life for yourself even though the odds are already set against you, so what gives? It seems inconsistent to criticize Bucks way of life while still advocating this position, maybe it's just me..
What is wrong with selling marijuana, a plant everyone on this website agrees should be legal?
It sounds to me like Buck has figured out a pretty decent way to live and a couple people are jealous, which is ironic as fuck because a couple people tend to tell me when I post anything regarding economic inequality that it's all on you, you have to figure out a way in life for yourself even though the odds are already set against you, so what gives? It seems inconsistent to criticize Bucks way of life while still advocating this position, maybe it's just me..