Im going to be growing in the sandhills of NC the ground here consists of pine needles then sand then this dark sandy clayish stuff. seems like there is no nutrients in this crap. I have 180 acres of this to play on people, I know nothing about growing plants, I need a step by step sorta thing. Water isnt really a big deal for me as I am lucky there is some where Id consider growing. I have seeds btw and know how to germinate.
Im broke as a joke as you say Im starting my life over after a 3 year long opiate addiction, which marijuana helped me through so much. Even though I have a fiance Mary Jane is my one and only lol. Nutrients/SOIL MIXTURES broken down in english
would really really help. Im considering 5 gallon buckets would this be easier than dealing with this hell soil?


Well-Known Member
Don't use that soil. 1-Go buy or make your own soil, 2- dig holes in your land to plant the dope, 3- germ your seeds, 4- plant your dope in your holes "1 seed/plant per hole, 5- water and take care of the plant, 6- cut down, 7- trim off your leaves, 8- dry it, 9- smoke the shit out of it. 10- get ready for next year.

about as easy as I can get.