Sanders is the strongest candidate against Trump in 2020

I knew you were a fraud after you claimed to support Bernie but said “race matters when it comes to immigration” and then cited a fake statistic. Bernie doesn’t think race matters when it comes to immigration

so it’s really no wonderto see you pretending not to have noticed the neo nazi who talked about his white pride a dozen or so times. And then whine when people pick on the neo nazi. That’s because you are one, just pretending to be a liberal Bernie supporter for some reason

We saw the same exact shit in 2016. Gets new fucking script already, fraudy McFraudster
And I was calling you a female pig, but you’re right, your English sucks too

stupid racist fraud
How did you ever become so full of hate and animosity to the point where you think it's better to alienate anyone who has an alternate view, vs practicing empathy?

Yes, I did accidentally post a statistic in error, and later agreed that it was incorrect. Not sure why you are harping over an accidental post from weeks ago. The reality is that even tho the number I posted was an error the big picture was still accurate.

Not sure what Bernie has to do with it. Yes, I do support some of Bernie's positions, but that doesn't mean I agree with everything. Frankly I haven't decided who to vote for in the primaries yet. Julian Castro was one of my top picks, but looks like he has no chance at this point.

It you stop being so adversarial towards those who don't agree with you 100% you might find you have a better chance of having of changing those folks' minds, and move forward in a positive direction. All your hate filled posts do is to further polarize those with opposing viewpoints, and cement their opposition. It's a backwards strategy really. Frankly it makes me thing that your real goal is that of spreading dissent, just what Russia wants.
How did you ever become so full of hate and animosity to the point where you think it's better to alienate anyone who has an alternate view, vs practicing empathy?

Yes, I did accidentally post a statistic in error, and later agreed that it was incorrect. Not sure why you are harping over an accidental post from weeks ago. The reality is that even tho the number I posted was an error the big picture was still accurate.

Not sure what Bernie has to do with it. Yes, I do support some of Bernie's positions, but that doesn't mean I agree with everything. Frankly I haven't decided who to vote for in the primaries yet. Julian Castro was one of my top picks, but looks like he has no chance at this point.

It you stop being so adversarial towards those who don't agree with you 100% you might find you have a better chance of having of changing those folks' minds, and move forward in a positive direction. All your hate filled posts do is to further polarize those with opposing viewpoints, and cement their opposition. It's a backwards strategy really. Frankly it makes me thing that your real goal is that of spreading dissent, just what Russia wants.
“Race matters when it comes to immigration. Only 4% of immigrants are white!”

You’re a fraud. Take your racist, pretending to be liberal, never noticed that obvious neo nazi act elsewhere, fraudy McFraudster
“Race matters when it comes to immigration. Only 4% of immigrants are white!”

You’re a fraud. Take your racist, pretending to be liberal, never noticed that obvious neo nazi act elsewhere, fraudy McFraudster
Yes, the number should have been 17%. I made an error. I admitted to the error. That doesn't make me a fraud. You repeating it doesn't make it any truer. Does it make you feel good to continuously spew hate? Who am I racist towards exactly?
I depend on russian neo nazis like you to tell me what to think

then I just go with the opposite

racist fraud
I am not a nazi nor am I racist, in fact I condemn such behaviors. I'm sorry that you are unable to think for yourself, and that Russian trolls drive your thoughts.
Yes, the number should have been 17%. I made an error. I admitted to the error. That doesn't make me a fraud. You repeating it doesn't make it any truer. Does it make you feel good to continuously spew hate? Who am I racist towards exactly?
Race does not matter when it comes to immigration, only a racist would say it does. You did

the fact that you falsified the number is second hat to your racist beliefs

and yeah, you just happened to miss the dozens of posts from a white pride neo nazi but got really upset by anyone dunking on thewhite pride neo nazi

no one is buying your shitty act you fraud
Race does not matter when it comes to immigration, only a racist would say it does. You did

the fact that you falsified the number is second hat to your racist beliefs

and yeah, you just happened to miss the dozens of posts from a white pride neo nazi but got really upset by anyone dunking on thewhite pride neo nazi

no one is buying your shitty act you fraud
Guy, you're taking that out of context. If you go back and look at that original convo you will see that it was not based out of racism, but rather the importance of understand who exactly gets discriminated against, when we talk of "discrimination towards immigrants". The simple fact is that most of immigrants are not white, and bear the brunt of the immigration discrimination. Why would you possibly think that pointing out that fact and being aware of discrimination toward certain groups would somehow make me a racist?

As a fyi, my wife is not white, and my children are mixed. So there's that.
Guy, you're taking that out of context. If you go back and look at that original convo you will see that it was not based out of racism, but rather the importance of understand who exactly gets discriminated against, when we talk of "discrimination towards immigrants". The simple fact is that most of immigrants are not white, and bear the brunt of the immigration discrimination. Why would you possibly think that pointing out that fact and being aware of discrimination toward certain groups would somehow make me a racist?

As a fyi, my wife is not white, and my children are mixed. So there's that.
I thought you were a girl

and there is no non-racist context behind “race matters when it comes to immigration, only 4% of immigrants are white!”

it is simply a statement, a false statement at that, which betrays you as a racist phony scumbag
I thought you were a girl

and there is no non-racist context behind “race matters when it comes to immigration, only 4% of immigrants are white!”

it is simply a statement, a false statement at that, which betrays you as a racist phony scumbag
So knowing which racial groups are those which are most discriminated against, when it come to immigration has no bearing with you? You can't counter discrimination until you know who the groups being discriminated against are. That's called turning a blind eye if you choose to be unaware. I'm not sure why you are so fervently denying that. And no, I'm not a girl. I am a man. My wife is a woman. She is an immigrant. She is not white.

4% or 17%, the end result is the same. I did make a mistake, and I owned up to that mistake.
I'm not sticking up for anyone in particular by questioning the apparent lack of neutrality by a moderator. Not everything is life is as binary as you seem to view it.

I personally find it quite counter-intuitive as well as counter-productive that a person who holds your supposed morals, decides to continually communicate your opinions as hateful rhetoric. Frankly what you are doing only serves to sew dissent, which is exactly what the Russian interference campaigns are all about. Fiona Hill made that pretty clear this week. You're either part of the problem or you're part of the solution.

At least you are able to admit there is Russian election interference. That is different than the foreign trolls I have seen.
Naw, tbh I didn't follow all his posts. I just saw the admin bashing him. Seemed odd too me.

Pimp life? I don't have that. I work for my grub. Looking forward to 5 days off next week tho.

Oops, thanks for the correction. My mistake. Try smoking weed. It might mellow you out.
I forget who he was bashing, butI am guessing if it was @rollitup they likely have been trolling/complaining about the unfairness of the site for not letting the Russian propaganda go unchallenged.

Enjoy your time off!
Enjoy your time off!

Thank you! I need it. December is always crazy for me. I'll be working 50 to 60+ hr weeks until the holiday break, and then I get 10 days off paid. No, I don't have a Macy's Santa Clause gig. It is Nutcracker season for me tho.
