Sanders and Ross "I told you so" Perot

I remember that "test". Years ago. Card carrying member of the Libertarian Party. For a long time. I gave up on that for some time now.

Still, the chart rather graphically shows that most American politicians are all painted into the right wing authoritarian corner, likely by their corporate overlords. They make Bernie and his policies look leftist ONLY BY COMPARISON.
Sanders like Ross "I told you so" Perot has an uncanny knack for telling the truth and predicting the future with issues and bogus legislation years ago. The similarities are astounding. Perot correctly said what EXACTLY would happen if NAFTA bacame law of the land. Legislation both Dems and Republicans were in agreement on. Sanders calls it as if he had a crystal ball on the real reason why Washington was interested with Panama. And it wasnt because of a so called "free trade" deal. Please. Panamas economy is not worth a popcorn fart as to justify such a special single country pact and legislation. We now know what ALL of Washington knew and was together on.... Panama is a tax evasion haven and laundering scam too. The trade deal was just to get the rich foot in the door. Clinton supported it (imagine that). Gop good ole boys was for it. Fox news made it seem like a great deal ( real reason... Look up what Ruppert Murdoch and his golf buddies stood to gain with hiding money in Panama). Bernie Sanders.....adamantly said no way....Sanders was right (again) ....Nobody listened to Sanders. Nobody listened to Perot. Most said Perot was an old coot who didnt have a clue. Most say that about Sanders. Wake up America.

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Man....i dont know about you all but out of all the candidates Sanders seems the most honest and close to the bone. I mean his proposals are a little far fetched but dont you think hes the more sincere out of everyone else? I do. We got Cruz who is a lowball sneaky snake. We got Clinton who is a liar and political whore. We got Trump who is a narcissistic clown and buffoon who talks in circles. I dont understand why more people are not on board with Sanders. Hes pretty solid. Goes against the Washington grain....he just trying to look out for regular folk.

he was unknown to the average american.
I can prove she had a stroke here's why:
-she came back to the hearings with glasses after her fake fall..remember how everyone remarked about that?
-look at a closeup of her left eye during the goes inward towards her nose..any medical professional knows what that means.
she was wearing those glasses to retrain her eye from the neurological damage she suffered..
Thanks for Trump Chezus!

Like I said before, take a little bit of responsibility
"Vote for my candidate or you want Trump!"
Uhh.. no, no matter how many times you repeat it
I don't want Trump, I don't want Clinton either, if I don't want either, why would I go vote for either?
"You don't want him more though"
Yeah, you'd be right about that, but not enough for me to give much of a fuck. I live in California, it's going to the democrat regardless of my vote, so no huge loss there
I'd vote for her if I lived in a swing state, but I wouldn't blame anyone who doesn't, she's a shitty candidate
You Clintonians should of got on board with Sanders from the get go. Now look at what we got in the Oval Office. Nice job!!!!
Sorry bud, most of us were on board with Bernie. But he didn't win. It was the butthurt Bernie supporters that pouted and voted for ridiculous candidates like Stein if they could even be bothered to vote that gave us Trump.

How did you vote in the general?
Sorry bud, most of us were on board with Bernie. But he didn't win. It was the butthurt Bernie supporters that pouted and voted for ridiculous candidates like Stein if they could even be bothered to vote that gave us Trump.

How did you vote in the general?
I got banned for asking last year.
The thread title was.
Since Sanders has lost the nomination who you going to vote for?
Sorry bud, most of us were on board with Bernie. But he didn't win. It was the butthurt Bernie supporters that pouted and voted for ridiculous candidates like Stein if they could even be bothered to vote that gave us Trump.

How did you vote in the general?

solar eclipse is no cause; solar eclipse is no cause..

That's what happens when your opponent cheats.

You and your crew seem to be forgetting this well-known and admitted to; FACT.
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If the media powerhouse, DNC, and powerplayers would of got onboard the Sanders train....Bernie would be President of the United States of America right now. They never did. They pushed Hillary onto the public. Forced fed.
If the media powerhouse, DNC, and powerplayers would of got onboard the Sanders train....Bernie would be President of the United States of America right now. They never did. They pushed Hillary onto the public. Forced fed.
So it is the media's and the DNC's role to choose our candidate now? And the power players failed us by not getting behind an Independant outsider? What happened to the grass-roots revolution?

Dude, you are making no sense whatsoever. Maybe if Bernie had been a better legislator with a better, more thought out plan he would have won - but he didn't - and now it is the media's fault, the DNC's fault, the power players' fault? You must be joking, those are exactly the people you claim he was going to tear down. Just foolish and weak, that is.