san pedro cactus

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i just picked up a 5 foot san pedro cactus for $30. any tips on how to prepare for consumption from those who have done it and had a good effect? there are a number of different methods i want to find the best one as far as minimal stomach upset and a strong effect. any useful info based on experience welcome. im in no hurry to try so for know im just going to grow it bigger for a rainy day or special time. thanks.:leaf:


Ive done peruvian torch twice before, I didnt prepare it at all, unless you count mixing with OJ :) but I did trip balls... My question is where did you find 5 feet of san pedro for $30?


Well-Known Member
If you try and eat it straight up I would take a tube of Oragel and numbing the shit out of your tounge. It taste horrid. Drink tons of orange juice up to it, but dont eat any food. =D Makes for amazing tripping. The Oragel is a theory by me, You shouldnt be able to taste anything if you shwish it around your mouth for a minute!!


Well-Known Member has directions on how to extract what you want. Consists of boiling and then filtering. End result is liquid with all the good shit in it.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
so i payed a very fair price huh? i found them at a garage sale/cactus sale while out training from a landscaper slash hippie he had more. im going to get another soon they were all 5 feet for $30 or much taller ones for a bit more. anyways it seems this is a good easy way for a mescaline trip. but different prep methods keep potency high while minimizing nausea i know of some methods i have looked up all are somewhat similar. im just trying to find the most tested and least wasteful method. i have heard nausea is worse with peyote than with san pedro prepped correctly. any other tips welcome.


Well-Known Member
You should buy one and beat it with a chain and stab it everyday until you are ready to use it. They produce more alkaloids when stressed and damaged.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
im not stabbing or beating my cactus thanks though. it did get snapped at its base in transport so i splinted it thats enough stress as is lol.

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
To post yes. It's an excellent site once you get past everyone calling themselves pimps. :) Over there i am known as "thefightinggamecock"

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
now that i know what they look like i find them all the time i found six cuttings while out riding. san pedro is literally all over socal. i wonder if peruvian torch is as prevalent around here and if one is more potent than the other.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
yeah to my knowledge there are 3 mescaline containing cacti species. peyote of course and san pedro which i find all over the place grown decoratively and peruvian torch. the other day i was riding by a ranch/horse stable and along the fence for over 100 yards were dozens of san pedro cacti some had fallen over and snapped off the main plant so i grabbeb some. there were so many no one will even notice. anyways the only one i have not seen is peruvian torch i wonder if its as commom as san pedro in socal.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i could do that its legal and all to purchase and grow san pedro but there heavy so shipping would be costly. there not hard to find at least where i am i have even bought them at garage sales big ones lol.