San Pedro Cactus, Mescaline Extraction and my dilema


Well-Known Member
I found a nursery with a bunch of San Pedro cacti. They had them stuffed in the corner of the lot and not really being cared for. I got a great deal on a pot that had three 6 foot tall cacti growing out of it for only 20$. I want to extract powder out of it because drinking the tea is nasty as hell. It took me a whole hour just to drink a couple cups of a tea I made. Awesome experience but gross.
HERES THE SITUATION: My happy go lucky Great Dane wanted to make friends with the cactus pot and knocked it over this morning. One of the cacti shoots snapped in half. I do not want to waste 4 feet of really good San Pedro cactus, and I really don't want to make that much tea again. I do not have a Separatory Funnel to make the powder. I do have a Lowes and a couple hardware stores close by but I am limited on funds.
QUESTION: Can someone please give me a list of Household items I can use to make powder and perhaps make a list of cheap material to use? maybe I should just dry the cactus out? How do I dry properly? Is drying a waste?
Materials: (for one dose)
50grams dried san pedro cactus(crushed up into powder)
Everclear or 99% Isopropyl rubbing alcohol (you can use 93% or 91% just make sure there is only ALCOHOL and WATER. when using isopropyl evaporation is important.)
1 glass jar big enough to hold the powder.
Another Glass jar to hold the extract liquid.
1 large glass pyrex pie plate or baking dish (must use GLASS ONLY!! important!!!)
Coffee filters, or a muslin, or a cheesecloth.

First put the torch powder in the glass jar, and pour your alcohol in covering the powder 2 inches or enough to double the contents of the jar.shake the jar vigorously then leave it to sit for 3 days shaking it from time to time.

when your alcohol turns a greenish black it has absorbed enough alkaloids after three days then you carefully pour off the liquid into a seperate jar and filter it using the Coffee filters saving the powder. a tee shirt or a cheese cloth works well too. after straining off the greenish colored alcohol put the powder back in the original jar and add fresh alcohol. repeat three times. after you have let the powder soak for three pulls over 9 days the alcohol should stop turning a dark green and should be a light see-through green.

this is how you know your powder got most of the goodies extracted. if you want you can pull until it's clear. Finally take the black alcohol you have collected in your other jar then put it in the big glass pyrex dish for evaporation. you can throw the cactus powder away.

to evaporate: a fan blowing on the pyrex dish will dry in a few hours. drying can be sped up by letting the glass baking dish sit on a pot of boiling water, but make sure you use an ELECTRIC STOVE because a gas stove may ignite alcohol fumes. if you are in your kitchen make sure the fan is on and a door is open for adequate ventilation. the alcohol should evaporate quickly leaving a gooey black residue which can be scraped up, rolled into balls and frozen for storage.just make sure ALL THE ALCOHOL IS EVAPORATED., and this can be done by smelling the extraction, it shouldn't smell at all like alcohol. this gooey residue is mescaline freebase oil, chlorophyl, waxes, plant fat, and other alkaloids.

if you used 99% isopropyl the goo will be more of a dry flaky crud called mescaline carbonate which can be scraped up and powdered. the mescaline carbonate is formed when the solvent has been disolved and the mescaline reacts with CO2 in the air to form a crystalized salt.
hahaha yes my friend was extracting the salts its and acid base extrcation just need a few chemicals. ill ask him today.. or check out or .org

you need xylene and a base
Put your cutting in the soil and root it, be patient with the production of your finished product and you will have lots and lots more.

I spent years growing enough for a dozen doses never realizing that had I simply cut the tops of the things and replanted them I would get a multiple of what I originaly had, all growing at about a foot a year. So figure I originaly had 5 shoots - about 3 doses a year. Now I have 40.

Maybe some will remember the pics I posted what? two months ago? look at the difference.

So lucky canndo

No no no - this isn't luck - this is patience. I am finding that these cacti are near impossible to kill and they truely love to bud out (sprites I think they call them) and root.

The cuttings I took for - my purposes are still drying - I haven't had time to work with them yet. and they are growing roots and sprites as well as spines, they were cut up months ago. If you want to get yourself a head start, cut your cutting into pieces about 6 to 8 inches. Let the cuts on both sides cork over for a week or two and then put them in some decent but very well draining dirt. Dip them in a bit of rooting gell if you want. Wait a few weeks before you water and water only very sparingly.

I read someone say that if you water at all before they form roots they will rot but I didn't see any roots forming at all for week after week, when I finally started getting the dirt damp once every several days, they formed roots in only a few weeks more.

When the cuttings have no growing end, they will produce sprites. When the sprites get about as big as the ones in the pictures, you can break them off and put them several inches into the soil. The pieces you broke them off from will form new sprites and each sprite you plant will, after it roots, grow about a foot a year if you take care of it.

As I said, I now have 42 sprites about ready to plant and I have the original rooted stock - another 6. So I will get 48 feet of stock a year. I figure 2 feet per experience makes 24 experiences a year - THIS year. If I do it again I will quickly double that - they don't take up much space, I water them once a week in the summer and once a month in the winter - I feed them in spring and again at the beginning of summer with 10-10-10 and some worm juice and seaweed.

The sooner you do this,the quicker you will have a virtualy unlimited amount of the very finest psychoactive chemical in nature for the rest of your life. Had I done this in my 30's I would be in the business of providing this stuff to a quarter of the people in the state.
I found a nursery with a bunch of San Pedro cacti. They had them stuffed in the corner of the lot and not really being cared for. I got a great deal on a pot that had three 6 foot tall cacti growing out of it for only 20$. I want to extract powder out of it because drinking the tea is nasty as hell. It took me a whole hour just to drink a couple cups of a tea I made. Awesome experience but gross.
HERES THE SITUATION: My happy go lucky Great Dane wanted to make friends with the cactus pot and knocked it over this morning. One of the cacti shoots snapped in half. I do not want to waste 4 feet of really good San Pedro cactus, and I really don't want to make that much tea again. I do not have a Separatory Funnel to make the powder. I do have a Lowes and a couple hardware stores close by but I am limited on funds.
QUESTION: Can someone please give me a list of Household items I can use to make powder and perhaps make a list of cheap material to use? maybe I should just dry the cactus out? How do I dry properly? Is drying a waste?

To the issue of drying - hey, these things dry very very very slowly. If you dont' cut them up into tiny disks they take even longer. I simply cut some 4 foot lengths and let them go. I de-spined them (I recall the documentary of Sasha Shilgin, his son had a huge cactus garden and he said he hated cactus because no matter what you do, you get stung. he HATED them) I got a spine imbededin the nail of one of my fingers and it has yet to come out - it hurts even as I type. At any rate, the pieces are growing spines and sprites and even roots. I worry that this continued depleation of the reserves in the cuttings is diminishing the active content of the cuttings.

I have been told by folks here not to bother drying them and i would go with that advice
One more thing - many come to me for advice on mushrooms and I am happy to give it - I kinda know what I am talking about. But I am a novice in cactus ok? I don't know what the hell I am doing but there are others here who do. I'll tell you what I have discovered but it could very well all be bullshit.
ive grown a few cati but never processed any, hmmm, more surface area exposed the faster they will dry,. could always freeze dry or desiccate over salt.
Take a look closely, you will see two "sprites" that are developing roots and of course you can see how some of the cuttings themselves are rooting in various places. I think I am going to place them in soil and see what happens, they are very small however, about an inch in diameter, I have tried rooting sprites this small with no success but I think now that the energy for rooting is no longer necessary, they may work.


A fat separator can be used as a substitute for a sep funnel. Or a real 500mL sep funnel can be yours for $26 at
i believe there is an excellent mescaline extraction tek in the thread in my sig.
Canndo the cacti are looking great.
A fat separator can be used as a substitute for a sep funnel. Or a real 500mL sep funnel can be yours for $26 at
i believe there is an excellent mescaline extraction tek in the thread in my sig.
Canndo the cacti are looking great.

Thanks - some of us are stooopid. I planted a cutting in pure sand when I was 25 years old thinking that I would some day grow a forest of them.
Of course the cuting died, I never gave much thought to how cacti grew nor did I take the time to learn - of course this was long before the internet. Had I done the due diligence I would be harventing hundreds of pounds of cacti every year.

speaking of which - I recently visited that amusement park I spoke of - the one that had several tons of this species of cactus at one of the entry points to the park. Seems that no one has noticed but me. One could easily take a pickup truck load at night and the park would be none the wiser.

Reminds me of the publicly funded gardening show I recently saw, they visited a public garden that had a plot filled with hundreds of poppies ready to be lanced. Even in the age of Afghanistan and the hundreds of photos of poppy fields we all see, no one seems to put this stuff together.
This is an idle question unrelated to my hobby, as I don't know how old I would be at the time I would have sufficient cuttings - probably in my 70's.

But -

I know that 150 is a comfortable light dose, 250 is a short step from desert nervana and 400 is a bit over the edge for the normal user.

so what would one pay for 350 mg of mescaline?
Bump Bump Bump were the san pedro kings and we dont give a fuck.

How are the Cacti Canndo? Did you ever do a A/B? I failed at A/B.... it cost me almost 200$ of failure.... I am going to make a tea tonight and have it ready for NFL on Sunday. I was just looking through threads for a tea extract I saw on RIU... a guy had a tek to boil the cacti down to just a couple of tea tek usually is about a whole cup of tea to drink.
Canndo,id give ya 30$..hypothetically speaking..I really need to get some cactus going..I have tons of *ahem*..'used dirt' at my disposal..high quality dirt..I want a cactus garden like yours..I thought I seen wile e. Coyote running through one of those pics...imp..I'm gonna make an effort to find a tek on youtube you can use..basically you end up with a green powder and only need to eat a tablespoon size amount..ill be back with good or bad news..
Hope it helps..not an actual extraction more so a refining tek..easier and less time consuming tho..and very light on the ol wallet..
I do that tek! thats a good one! I eat 100 grams which is like 3 big spoon full i drop it in water and jug. it is messy like eating shrooms. grit in the teeth. but it tastes way way better than a tea............ i like that video cuz the guy has a australian accent. i need to trip with sme Aussies one day

i have empty 00 caps... i could just be a big puss and fill up 50 caps and start swallowing
Got a hash press? There's gotta be a way to pelletize the powder where all you gotta do is swallow like 10 pills...