San Pedro Cactus, Mescaline Extraction and my dilema

mescaline fine , but a half liter of tea sloshing around in the belly.... lol........fuck the amusement park corp. lets take a pair of gloves and a get away driver. We will film it and call it cactus hunters..... yeah right... thats a felony for sure, cactus aint cheap. i have my eyes on a 200$ cactus at the nursery,it is so pretty, maybe for xmas.
Just go in a lawn maintenance truck, look like a landscaping crew, we will even bring a leaf blower. then just start taking down all of the cactus i broad daylight. I would bet anything no one will question what we are doing.
I made a batch of tea last weekend and tripped on a cup of it. I have 2 cups left of the tea, but I just boiled it down to a little less than a cup. Will my trip be twice as strong as last weekend or is it possible I boiled some mescaline away? I evaporated it at a low heat, the lowest my stove will go without going out.....
ohhhh hellp me... it tastes so fucking awful man holly hell its soo salty.. worst tea Ive ever gonna be high as a kite
im high as ballz.... sucks because i feel the tea in my belly still... it will jerk and roll every now and then to remind me whos boss
wait... no it does not suck im high as bazllz but tahat the tea is gross. yes... i have to wait 7 seconds to post again
Mescaline gelato
2qts heavy cream
5egg yolks
2 vanilla beans
1 1/2 cup sugar
As much cactus reduction as you want to add..
Add all ingriedients after whisking together(except vanilla and cactus)simmer on low,stirring constantly so the egg yolks don't cook into clumps.reduce slowly to 1 1/2 quarts of liquid..after incorporated,split and scrape the vanilla beans,add to mixture..add no more than a half 1/2 quart of cactus reduction(bring the total volume of liquid back to 2 quarts) in ice cream machine and wait till creamy smooth...add nuts and chocolate ect as your tastes see fit...
See I can cook with
Oops..forgot to add strain mixture through a fine seive before adding cactus reduction...and try to have very little water in that,as it will form ice crystals when the leftover(if are stored in the freezer..also,garnish with a pot brownie and an lsd soaked cherry...
dude, that sounds legit...the gelatto..... have you tried san pedro tea, rory? when it is reduced to about half a cup of very strong dark tea, it is very salty and double bitter, with a slimey texture, that seemingly invades each taste bud you have in a vicious assault.... i need a icecream machine, I am going to try it.
the vanilla and chocolate could work, and the cream may just be the trick to battle the sli ey texture... rory, you are a freakin genius

the taste is so bad , i get the chills when I think of it while trippin, it is funny, its like a gag reflex every so often , i get the same with shrooms. i have a tough stomach that wont throw up,i take it all down, then spend some time in the bathroom with a ipad
Like I've said,I've only had extracted mescaline and synthetic..never any tea..but I remember the bitter salt thing and sweet and lactose cancel out bitter and salty..that's why you get ranch and blue cheese dressing with hot wings...tames the salty wings and the vinegar in the hot sauce...hell id throw in some pistachio pudding mix and some creative..chocolate and OVERRIPE got chunky monkey then...