San Diego Dispesaries Raided


Active Member
Yesterday, in San Diego they started raiding any shop that they can show uses a "for profit" business model. Lots of shops are getting shut down, and quite a few others are voluntarily shutting down to avoid getting raided.

Pretty soon we are going go be back in the situation where we have to go to LA to get MMJ and clones.


Well-Known Member
Just goes to show that ya gotta dot the i's and cross the t's when trying to do the right thing.
Let's see how OldOinky explains this affront to decency and compassion.


Active Member
Raid happen because people snitch most of time. Get rid of snitcher and raid wont happen :)


New Member
It's more about the books......

In the end, its a favor done. If corruption of the system is allowed to take over, that will be all the FEDS need to say SEE, experiment over??!!!

MMJ is still very experimental, and if a few bad apples need to be shaken from the branch so the tree can thrive later on..... so be it.

Think long term.


Active Member
Most of the problem actually comes from our DA, who is an extremely outspoke critic of MMJ, and has essentially said she would like anyone who sells MMJ behind bars.

To me, its not just about "a few bad apples." The DA has made it very clear that the MMJ distribution community in general is a target, and the operation was obviously designed to disrupt that community. They synchronized massive, well publicized, raids all over the county, while designing them to have the maximum shock value possible. For example, they used battering rams against doors that they had the key for, while the staff was rushing to open them for them.

As a result, they managed to reduce the number of dispensaries by a great deal, while causing several "legitimate" organizations to shut down or drastically change their business model. This is an attack on the community as a whole, and needs to be treated as such. If we let the loss of a few "bad apples" go unremarked or support the government's action, we make it easier to disrupt the community in the future, and then we all suffer.


New Member
I think the ONLY reason why the fed's have allowed Cali so much leeway, is so Cali can hang themselves..... and then the fed's can use that example to knock the whole thing down. So far, the pattern fits.


Active Member
It's more about the books......

In the end, its a favor done. If corruption of the system is allowed to take over, that will be all the FEDS need to say SEE, experiment over??!!!

MMJ is still very experimental, and if a few bad apples need to be shaken from the branch so the tree can thrive later on..... so be it.

Think long term.

The problem isn't that they are shaking the tree; the problem is that they are trying to shake the branches hard enough to break them right off.

They could easily have quietly served warrants to, and arrested, "illegitimate" business owners as they uncovered their mistakes. A few people would go to jail, the community would get its act together, and everyone would be reasonably happy. Instead, they chose to organize the raids in a way that would make it as difficult as possible for "legitimate" organizations as well as those that they raided.


Active Member
I think the ONLY reason why the fed's have allowed Cali so much leeway, is so Cali can hang themselves..... and then the fed's can use that example to knock the whole thing down. So far, the pattern fits.

I think the only reason they have allowed them so much leeway is because they have no real choice. Legally, they need the cooperation of local law enforcement to conduct raids. If local law enforcement doesn't have the legal ability (or the desire) to cooperate, then the feds can't perform raids.

A few months ago the feds shut down some delivery services that were delivering to military bases. Military land is federal land, so they have the ability to prosecute offenders on military land.


New Member
FEDS don't need permission to raid. They have their own quite capable task forces....plenty of them. Federal laws TRUMP any State law.

They are letting the greed and "non qualified" ppl for MMJ do the heavy lifting for them. I guarantee you they are keeping a very close monitor on everything and gathering their evidence. it's all in the timing.

I cringe every time I see someone post "how can I get on MMJ?". The response is usually "keep seeing doctors until you find one that will give it to you".

The trap is set..... we need only keep walking towards it.....and it's a slippery slope of a trap. I hope I'm wrong.... but I just don't trust the Fed's. I just don't.


Active Member
FEDS don't need permission to raid. They have their own quite capable task forces....plenty of them. Federal laws TRUMP any State law.

They are letting the greed and "non qualified" ppl for MMJ do the heavy lifting for them. I guarantee you they are keeping a very close monitor on everything and gathering their evidence. it's all in the timing.

I cringe every time I see someone post "how can I get on MMJ?". The response is usually "keep seeing doctors until you find one that will give it to you".

The trap is set..... we need only keep walking towards it.....and it's a slippery slope of a trap. I hope I'm wrong.... but I just don't trust the Fed's. I just don't.
Well, My basic theory of life tells me never to assume evil intent whithout first testing for laziness, fear, and stupidity (in that order). This is especially true when dealing with large government organizations. MMJ is becoming more available because two other wars, economic collapse, and a faltering healthcare system have become more inportant to those that lobby congress than the war on drugs (lobbied for by only the prison industrial complex).


New Member
Yes, the states definitely see $$$ in MMJ, and maybe it will be a wink and a nod towards "letting" everyone get a card. Man, that would be so sweet. I'm not holding my breath though. I learned that lesson in the late 70's. Weed almost made the full jump to light speed back then.....almost.

I can see the states eyeing weed as a source of revenue. The Fed's are another matter though. In the end it comes down to one guy.... Obama. He can either let it all slide, or crack down, or just say "yes".
I couldn't say with certainty how Obama is going to fall on this.....he speaks on both sides of each and every issue..... :lol:


Well-Known Member
we can thank obama for not doing anything about it its time stop raids in california or anywhere where mmj is legal fuck DEA
what we can do is everyone that smokes MJ get a medical card if your state is allowed to hand one out then theyll see that majority of people want weed legal


New Member
What if the majority want to grow opium? See where that leads? No, change starts at the top..... Obama is in charge of the DEA. It's up to him.


Well-Known Member
Like CrackerJax said earlier, it really seems as though it is a trap. If it is a trap, we are so deep, it will be hard for us to recover when it springs.

Also, what does everyone think will happen if it were legalized? I believe it will end up just like tobacco. Regulated, overtaxed and grown to a standard that is far below that which we hold ourselves to. More than likely, it will still be illegal to cultivate it in our own homes, just as tobacco is in several other countries.

As for the president, he doesn't mean much to me. In my view, the president is no more than a scapegoat. Someone to put the blame on when the government decides to make a decision they know the people won't like. "Proof" of that is in Obama himself. Before presidency, he claimed to be for the legalization of marijuana, even stating that it could possibly help our economy. Then, once he's elected and the question is re-administered, he flips his stance. Not really the kind of leader I would want in my book.


New Member
The best cig's in the world are Chinese. maybe they can grow our weed for us. They do just about everything else for us... :lol: At a price...