Well-Known Member
If you are going to call people idiots and morons, make sure you don't misspell any words when doing so ......and with Idiocy like that is why we have a moron for a preisdent at the moment ... !
If you are going to call people idiots and morons, make sure you don't misspell any words when doing so ......and with Idiocy like that is why we have a moron for a preisdent at the moment ... !
If you are going to call people idiots and morons, make sure you don't misspell any words when doing so ......
If you are going to call people idiots and morons, make sure you don't misspell any words when doing so ......
Pure genius. For some reason I can't like posts anymore or I would. On a side note I can't space between paragraphs either... don't really know how that happened.obama is whiter than i am, and i buy artisanal cheese at whole foods and own a copy of Homeward Bound on blu ray.
you have nothing better to do than grammar police huh lol.....
most people yould look past the small little things... unless they disagreed with something.
regardless of how I spell it a moron is a moron
No I am not the grammar police, but if you are calling others idiots and morons, you should at least not misspell any words when you are doing so. It makes you look like a twit when you do ( especially when you are criticizing others ). I think you meant would ...not yould
lol like a twit? look where we are fucking posting pal and tell me that again but seriously..
arguing on the internet is stupid and i won't do it no matter who it is whether i know them or not lol
obama is whiter than i am, and i throw 80's themed sweater parties and drive a prius.
How about both? cant think of that one on your own can ya? its possible it could be a statement in the form of a question. Pull the dick out of your ear, its penetrating your brain causing irreversible retardation.
Shows how much you know, a rhetorical question absolutely is a statement.a question can't be a statement. the fluoride has gotten to you.