Samsung led strip on 600h-36b

It’s not too bad actually as the discount for buying 100+ strips reduces the price by 50%

I would hold out for other opinions on this. I don't want you spending that kind of cash on something I suggested when im not 1000% on it.
I mean I think it would be 18 parallel strings with 3 strips on each in series(due to max current been 1amp) so its a lot , it might be the most ridiculous idea ive ever had to make use of a 36v driver
I would hold out for other opinions on this. I don't want you spending that kind of cash on something I suggested when im not 1000% on it.
I mean I think it would be 18 parallel strings with 3 strips on each in series so its a lot , it might be the most ridiculous idea ive ever had to make use of a 36v driver

Not going to buy just yet. It’s for an upgrade to a couple of my grow areas to increase the ppfd in the corners where my cobs don’t overlap as much.

Just getting some ideas to be prepared. Just looked at the data sheet for the vesta unless I’m looking at the wrong data sheet they don’t seem to be 36v
I would hold out for other opinions on this. I don't want you spending that kind of cash on something I suggested when im not 1000% on it.
I mean I think it would be 18 parallel strings with 3 strips on each in series(due to max current been 1amp) so its a lot , it might be the most ridiculous idea ive ever had to make use of a 36v driver

Are strips ok to run at max amps? Do they not lose a lot of efficacy?
Not going to buy just yet. It’s for an upgrade to a couple of my grow areas to increase the ppfd in the corners where my cobs don’t overlap as much.

Just getting some ideas to be prepared. Just looked at the data sheet for the vesta unless I’m looking at the wrong data sheet they don’t seem to be 36v

I believe the 570mm strip is just over 36v at 1200mA and around 34v at 800mA but im not familiar with them at all and may only be 90cri (which is a bonus but lower lm/w)

? Do they not lose a lot of efficacy?

Yes they do , but not sure how much, not seeing it on the data sheet im looking at.
Im far too high Sam, trying to think outside the box but it may well be im been counter productive.
I think this may be the explanation of how the driver I have can work?

It says it has a constant current mode? Don’t know how that would work atm though


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So basically from what I’ve read when the driver detects a current draw more than its rated curent it switches to constant current instead and starts lowering the voltage. What I don’t understand is how it detects a higher current draw.

I always understood that when wiring in parallel the current is split between number of leds. So how will it ever get to max current
To quote LED gardener.

"Samsung’s Q-Series uses the current top-dog of diodes: the LM301B. These diodes are rated at over 200 lumens per watt, vs. the 187 lumens per watt that the LM561C is rated for. The Q-Series strips are still quite new, and, as such, are more expensive than the H-Series and F-Series strips. They also have the lowest diode count per strip, which does matter in medium to large sized builds.
Opposite of the H-Series, the Q-Series strips all have the same max current, but the typical voltage across each length is different

LT-Q282A (20 Diodes, 4 Series x 5 Parallel, Voltage = ~12V, Max Current = 1,000mA)
3000K: SI-B8V051280US
3500K: SI-B8U051280US
4000K: SI-B8T051280US
5000K: SI-B8R051280US"
48-50 strips... Sounds like a helluva lot o work.
So basically from what I’ve read when the driver detects a current draw more than its rated curent it switches to constant current instead and starts lowering the voltage. What I don’t understand is how it detects a higher current draw.

I always understood that when wiring in parallel the current is split between number of leds. So how will it ever get to max current
It won't. It just uses less wattage. 380ish. Which is why you need to get closer to 36v.
It will still work, but you'll be using far less than the drivers capable of, or worth running, at that point.
Yeah easier to just flog the old 36v drivers and get ones that suited better me thinks.

Drivers cost a bomb. I’d rather put in the extra time wiring than wasting these drivers.

I have two options I think. Use f series and let the driver automatically go into constant current mode and get around 400 out of 600w per driver or use the q series.. strangely the q series works out nearly half price due to me needing 100 of them and digikeys bulk discount. Whereas f series I won’t need 100.

Can anyone else confirm it’s possible to wire a 36v driver to take 12v leds by doing 3 parallel strings in series?
Drivers cost a bomb. I’d rather put in the extra time wiring than wasting these drivers.

I have two options I think. Use f series and let the driver automatically go into constant current mode and get around 400 out of 600w per driver or use the q series.. strangely the q series works out nearly half price due to me needing 100 of them and digikeys bulk discount. Whereas f series I won’t need 100.

Can anyone else confirm it’s possible to wire a 36v driver to take 12v leds by doing 3 parallel strings in series?

My thinking for the first driver would be to do 60 strips with 3 parallel strings in series.

Not sure if the leds will automatically only pull 1a or if I will need to permanently dim the driver for that though
Combining Series and Parallel Wiring

Note 3x12v would be 36v in a series on parallel and the current for each parallel section would be divided by 3.

So if you had 17amp on a driver and 17 parallel sets of 3 each 12v strip would receive 333mA

That's an example, so I assume you could use say 9 parallel strings on a driver putting out 16.7amps would give you 1.85amps per series string and 610mA per strip. 27 strips per driver.
So you could also afford to drop down to 6 parallel strings which would give each strip 920mA and obviously be 18 strips per driver.
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Combining Series and Parallel Wiring

Note 3x12v would be 36v in a series on parallel and the current for each parallel section would be divided by 3.

So if you had 17amp on a driver and 17 parallel sets of 3 each 12v strip would receive 333mA

That's an example, so I assume you could use say 9 parallel strings on a driver putting out 16.7amps would give you 1.85amps per series string and 610mA per strip. 27 strips per driver.
So you could also afford to drop down to 6 parallel strings which would give each strip 920mA and obviously be 18 strips per driver.

18 strips per driver? Do you mean 18 strips per parallel string? 54 strips per driver?
18 strips per driver? Do you mean 18 strips per parallel string? 54 strips per driver?

Actually I’m confused... 18 strips at 0.92a and 12v = 11w per strip.
The driver max output is 600w

18 x 11 = only 198 w

But if we have 54 strips at 920ma we are massively over the max current
You are correct Sam, I have massively dropped the ball there and confused myself and you .
Sorry dude. Too enthusiastically stoned
Please disregard everything but the LEDgardener link.
You are correct Sam, I have massively dropped the ball there and confused myself and you .
Sorry dude. Too enthusiastically stoned
Please disregard everything but the LEDgardener link.

I’m still confused by that led gardener link tbh.

The drivers max current will be overrated if I put 54 strips on it.

Unless the current is only split on parallel strings. So

On the 3 series strings the 3 parallel strings get a total of 12v and 16.7a but that means we have just tripled the total amps... but I guess that is theoretically possibly as the amps must go up when bolts go down? I think. We’re still at a total of 16.7a we have just made the wiring so that the 16.7a gets used twice? That doesn’t sound right...

If that’s true each parallel string of 18 strips would split 16.7a for 0.92a 12v per strip.

Each strip using around 11w x 54 594 total watts