what are your temps and RH like? try increasing both (stay within vpd obviously) til they start praying. it was a little scary at first running at higher rh but the plants do love it and ive realized higher temps help inhibit pm too. just make sure your rh doesn't spike and temps drop too low during lights out. I solved this by running my lights at night so I have the heat from daytime to even things out.
during veg I tend to go closer to 70% rh. i have exhaust ports open but just have fans circulating in the tent mostly. they seem to like it being tropical in there. if I let rh drop too much then everything slows down growth wise.
also regarding Arrow pricing. I check every few days too. if you track specific models they tend to jump around. a lot. both times recently after I bought a bunch, within a week that model had jumped back up in price. then 2 weeks later it drops again. when I called them I specifically asked about the drivers warranty and pricing. those had all jumped back up after we bought them, but are back to around $18. I bet we see a few drivers hit $12 again if no one does a run on them.
like I had mentioned before one trick when you see the cheap price is add them to your cart right away. even if you can't buy them at that moment, it will honor the price in your cart even of the actual item has jumped back up. just don't change qty or it will adjust to the new price. can confirm this works ive done it multiple times. ive also fucked up and decided I wanted more of a certain color, changed qty and lost the deal. their pricing algorithm updates every 10 mins so if you want to be guaranteed that price you have to act fast.