Samsung H series strips, Arrow seems to be blowing them out! what a deal!

Slightly un related to the strips but I grabbed six of those Delta LNE-54V185WDAA for some QB96's, most I've seen them pull at the wall is 174w. The output was lower with a dimmer pot attached, around 145w.

I'm not complaining for the price they were super cheap but any ideas why mine would not be pulling at the rated wattage?

I just have one one board per driver, same boards with same wires on a XLG-200-HA-B pull 225w at the wall.
i got 6x delta lne-24v185 drivers and they pull 220w from the wall maxed out. All the 185 series are rated for at least 187.5w. So something is not right with that one.
i got 6x delta lne-24v185 drivers and they pull 220w from the wall maxed out. All the 185 series are rated for at least 187.5w. So something is not right with that one.

I see it often with CV drivers in general. The circuitry is only limiting the voltage. But the IV curve is from the LEDs. So at max, you've got 27V, and it will pull whatever current that corresponds to. The overcurrent protection should shut it down though if you leave it like that. I would hope.
hey man dont blame me cause your slow on the draw lol. jk. for real tho the prices always fluctuate. the influx strips I got had jumped back up to regular prices right after I bought them a month ago. last week they dropped back to $1. had to pay my bills before I grabbed more, by time I went back a day or two later they had jumped back up to normal price. just gotta be quick!

like metic just said, the delta lne drivers have been dropping again recently. a bunch of 24 and 48v that weren't on sale last time are now.
i wasnt slow on the draw at all ....i got a bunch of stuff.....just enough to get me addicted to building lights. Now im bored and arrow is fixed. I knew from the jump them prices were an accident but we shall see. They do lots of blowout sales but i dont think they knew the computer was going that low on some strips.

I get on arrow everyday to check for strips. The last 3 or 4 days there had been zero for cheap. That is not like arrow at all .....they always have some m series or something old for cheap. ( since this thread was started , arrow has had at least 20 different strips for under a buck. not no more.)

Hopefully things go back to normal soon!
I see it often with CV drivers in general. The circuitry is only limiting the voltage. But the IV curve is from the LEDs. So at max, you've got 27V, and it will pull whatever current that corresponds to. The overcurrent protection should shut it down though if you leave it like that. I would hope.
My drivers are A series. so CC and CV. not quite sure if that matters.
My drivers are A series. so CC and CV. not quite sure if that matters.

V0 sets the voltage (max current), so clockwise full will be setting the voltage to 27V. Then you can tune from about 10% to 100% of V0 with I0.
so if you wanted to limit the driver to 185W, you'd set V0 first. Then I0 would only range up to 185W.
V0 sets the voltage (max current), so clockwise full will be setting the voltage to 27V. Then you can tune from about 10% to 100% of V0 with I0.
so if you wanted to limit the driver to 185W, you'd set V0 first. Then I0 would only range up to 185W.
If i turn the VO all the way up then i run risk ?
Ideally you use a watt meter. Then you can set V0 to something sensible, with I0 at max. Then you've set max current (by setting V0), and can go wild with I0.
i have a amp meter , i was just asking gonna be smart one day ! thanks for your input sir!
my main question , is running these 185's at 200. Is that going to shorten the life of the driver ? What is the risk of doing this? The drivers i have say "200watt driver" on them but of course the datasheet says 187.

EDIT: Ive built 4 lights now but this one im reffering to is going to be ran max all the time for flower. i ran low on strips and drivers so my 5'x5' build is a lil weak an will prolly need to be ran at full power for flower. 32 strips and 3 x 185 drivers for a total of 660w from the wall....
Hmm where does it say "200 watt driver"?
So it's supposed to have overvoltage and overcurrent and overtemperature protection. I'm not sure how Delta does it, but Mean Well will run until it's getting too hot, and then it beeps at me and turns off.

So yeah you can push it above rated max if you've got a heatsink or fan on the driver, but temperature is what kills drivers. This is the graph in the Mean Well spec. I don't see one in the Delta spec, but it's probably similar.


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Ive built 5 lights total. one for a 4'x4' for veg. GREAT! one for a 2'x5' for veg. GREAT ! one for a 3'x8' veg. he loves it! and one for flower that im replacing a 1k hps. not tested it yet.
Then for the real led test , i got a tent with my new mejui bar lights in there. So far its like everyone elses experience switching from hps.... the leaves are not praying but they are healthy. I have a feeling this tent is going to teach me a lot about leds. im going to have ups an downs im not used to.....but im ready.
Then for the real led test , i got a tent with my new mejui bar lights in there. So far its like everyone elses experience switching from hps.... the leaves are not praying but they are healthy. I have a feeling this tent is going to teach me a lot about leds. im going to have ups an downs im not used to.....but im ready.

what are your temps and RH like? try increasing both (stay within vpd obviously) til they start praying. it was a little scary at first running at higher rh but the plants do love it and ive realized higher temps help inhibit pm too. just make sure your rh doesn't spike and temps drop too low during lights out. I solved this by running my lights at night so I have the heat from daytime to even things out.

during veg I tend to go closer to 70% rh. i have exhaust ports open but just have fans circulating in the tent mostly. they seem to like it being tropical in there. if I let rh drop too much then everything slows down growth wise.

also regarding Arrow pricing. I check every few days too. if you track specific models they tend to jump around. a lot. both times recently after I bought a bunch, within a week that model had jumped back up in price. then 2 weeks later it drops again. when I called them I specifically asked about the drivers warranty and pricing. those had all jumped back up after we bought them, but are back to around $18. I bet we see a few drivers hit $12 again if no one does a run on them.

like I had mentioned before one trick when you see the cheap price is add them to your cart right away. even if you can't buy them at that moment, it will honor the price in your cart even of the actual item has jumped back up. just don't change qty or it will adjust to the new price. can confirm this works ive done it multiple times. ive also fucked up and decided I wanted more of a certain color, changed qty and lost the deal. their pricing algorithm updates every 10 mins so if you want to be guaranteed that price you have to act fast.
what are your temps and RH like? try increasing both (stay within vpd obviously) til they start praying. it was a little scary at first running at higher rh but the plants do love it and ive realized higher temps help inhibit pm too. just make sure your rh doesn't spike and temps drop too low during lights out. I solved this by running my lights at night so I have the heat from daytime to even things out.

during veg I tend to go closer to 70% rh. i have exhaust ports open but just have fans circulating in the tent mostly. they seem to like it being tropical in there. if I let rh drop too much then everything slows down growth wise.

also regarding Arrow pricing. I check every few days too. if you track specific models they tend to jump around. a lot. both times recently after I bought a bunch, within a week that model had jumped back up in price. then 2 weeks later it drops again. when I called them I specifically asked about the drivers warranty and pricing. those had all jumped back up after we bought them, but are back to around $18. I bet we see a few drivers hit $12 again if no one does a run on them.

like I had mentioned before one trick when you see the cheap price is add them to your cart right away. even if you can't buy them at that moment, it will honor the price in your cart even of the actual item has jumped back up. just don't change qty or it will adjust to the new price. can confirm this works ive done it multiple times. ive also fucked up and decided I wanted more of a certain color, changed qty and lost the deal. their pricing algorithm updates every 10 mins so if you want to be guaranteed that price you have to act fast.
Temps are a bit wild right now. 86 daytime, 72 night time. my lil humidifier is not much help but i try to keep the rh up to at least 60. If possible i run it about 70. i think it may be too cold for what im used to seeing.
I look at the vpd chart all the time but i keep forgetting that its the lst that im supposed to measure and i cant with this junk thermometer i have. So im keeping a close eye on temps and rh but i cant really get an accurate LST reading. (its off about 5 or 10 degree)

In my opinion ,from reading you guys on here, is that i need to raise temps an rh a tad. Does that sound about right to you ? Thanks.
I dont like seeing 92 degrees but that should be fine with leds an the right RH, correct ?

EDIT: The 86 degree mark is what it climbs up to does not stay that high.
Temps are a bit wild right now. 86 daytime, 72 night time. my lil humidifier is not much help but i try to keep the rh up to at least 60. If possible i run it about 70. i think it may be too cold for what im used to seeing.
I look at the vpd chart all the time but i keep forgetting that its the lst that im supposed to measure and i cant with this junk thermometer i have. So im keeping a close eye on temps and rh but i cant really get an accurate LST reading. (its off about 5 or 10 degree)

In my opinion ,from reading you guys on here, is that i need to raise temps an rh a tad. Does that sound about right to you ? Thanks.
I dont like seeing 92 degrees but that should be fine with leds an the right RH, correct ?

EDIT: The 86 degree mark is what it climbs up to does not stay that high.

hmm temps seem a little high to me. 81-84 is my sweet spot. I try not to let it get over 85 for more than a day or so, otherwise I run my ac to bring the room closer to 75 and that keeps lights on around 82.
hmm temps seem a little high to me. 81-84 is my sweet spot. I try not to let it get over 85 for more than a day or so, otherwise I run my ac to bring the room closer to 75 and that keeps lights on around 82.
its only getting that hot because everybody says leds need to be at 85f ?
In my hps world , i just keep temps low as possible 75-80 and everything is fine.

In a 5x10 tent , i only have 650 watts running right now , maybe i should up that to around 1000w? this is my first led flower , so im trying to be careful....perhaps , too careful.
its only getting that hot because everybody says leds need to be at 85f ?
In my hps world , i just keep temps low as possible 75-80 and everything is fine.

In a 5x10 tent , i only have 650 watts running right now , maybe i should up that to around 1000w? this is my first led flower , so im trying to be careful....perhaps , too careful.
I run 82-85. If you’re supplementing CO2 you can run even higher. For 50 sq ft you need 1500w of LED in there.
I run 82-85. If you’re supplementing CO2 you can run even higher. For 50 sq ft you need 1500w of LED in there.
so the higher temps are probably not affecting me. its probably the lack of light then. I can turn them up to 1280 ish max. i also have them about 36" from canopy too. i got plenty of light , i was just scared to use it.... better turn er up an report back...
Interesting. I got this one. I see it says Revision 00, and yours says Revision 01. I wonder why yours has the 200W on it, and what the difference is, between revisions. A mystery.:cool:
That is odd. ive checked the datasheets and all the 185 series say 187 ish. At first i just thought it was like a meanwell and pulls 185 plus efficiancy so 200 ish. But it pulls 220 from the wall. I have to assume the strips are getting around 200 watts.
I got 6 drivers , i better check to see if they are all the same revision. Thanks for your input sir!