Same $hit Different Grow


Well-Known Member
This is my second grow but I have the same problem as the first grow. I backed my nutes way down but I still have this brown chit. Maybe not quite as bad as the first grow but I still have it. The brown spots are hard to see in the pictures but look at the first two leaves. You can kind of see the spots in the shadowed area fromDSCF0456.jpg top leaf. Check the pictures for my notes and tell me your opinion. All replies are appreciated. Thanks



Active Member
wats way down to u? in hydro u really need a full and complete nutrient regimen and 5.5-5.8 ph. wats ur water temps? wats ur ambient temperature? nutrient line? fresh air intake?


Active Member
my bad i missed ur chart lol. ppm under 500 is not nearly enough. u are starving those poor girls bud. i veg at like 6-800 ppm with no problem. thats why we grow hydro....u can feed feed feed and then easily flush it away.


Active Member
17 from seed? i assumed it was a clone and im sorry if i was mistaken. but in my defense u neglected to mention age. if it was from clone then feed it more if its an issue that early into being a seedling then i dont know what to advise as it really soon to have to start fighting with her lol. how do the roots look? can u pullnit outta the bucket and see? what are u doing different(its safe to assume at least a few changes made) than u did last round? u have good fresh air available? wat kinda light?
WARNING: I am not an experienced grower but am happy to help brainstorm what it could be.

To me it looks like a Mg or Ca deficiency. I saw that you are adding Cal/Mg, so it's not a lack of trying, it's just being locked out. Are you using RO?

Based on the pH range you are running (mostly 5.8-5.9), you might be locking out the Mg/Ca due to the pH. Take a look at these two charts. Your running right on the edge of where both elements uptake is impacted. Maybe try raising it up to 6.3 or down to 5.5 for a couple days and see if the brown spots go away. If so, then maybe you can just occasionally raise/lower your pH so the plant can uptake the Mg/Ca (doesn't need much) and then get it back to the pH you think is best for the other nutes.

You could also consider keeping your pH where it is and foliar feeding the Cal-Mag (ask someone more knowledgeable than me on this) to test if that is the issue. Based on your humidity, the leaves should be very willing to take in the nutrients and the root level pH won't impact the foliar feeding.
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Active Member
based on the color chart his ph is absolutely perfect at 5.8_9 and remains consistent so i doubt thats an issue. it looks like u onky changed water once since day 1??? if thats the case try a weekly water change if u can as it could be stale causing the beginning stages of root rot. those fresh new roots are fragile to say the least. do u use any benificials? they really help build a strong root mass


Well-Known Member
Your pH is shooting up into 6.5 or higher and your in hydro, then you got a pH problem. I suspect your using tap water, since the amount of Ph down u need to pH your water. u also probably added organics into your nutes to have spikes like that


Well-Known Member
I'm using tap water with a beginning of 120 PPM. My roots are fine. Nice and white. The plant seems to be growing fast it's just ugly as hell with the browning. I added a little Epsom salt 2 days ago. The only other thing I can come up with is not enough fresh air. I'm growing in a steel locking garage style cabinet. The inside dimensions are 6 foot tall, 3 foot wide, and 18 inches deep. I installed 2 80 mm computer style fans as the exhaust near the top of the cabinet. Towards the bottom I installed 1 80 mm intake computer style fan. I usually leave the doors open while I'm home but closed and locked while at work and shit. Stealth is kind of an issue but aybe I need to cut some kind of passive intake and install an additional exhaust. I'm really scratching my head here because I've tried everything else. I'm stumped because both my first and second grow have the exact same problem even though they're different strains.
If your using tap water, maybe the addition of the cal mag (and now Epsom) is creating the lockout. Your tap water should already have both elements in it. AGAIN...I AM SUPER NEW TO GROWING but I have been dealing with Mg/Ca issues during my first grow. Below is a section from an article I found regarding Mg/Ca issues. Here is a link to the entire article too. Hope this helps.

I rooted in distilled water and then switched to RO when I put them in veg. Within days I started seeing an Mg/Ca deficiency because I hadn't learned about the need to add Cal Mag to RO water. Maybe you could do a water change, don't add any additional Ca/Mg, and brew up some Heisenberg Tea to populate your water with the bene's that will be able to breakdown the Ca/Mg in your tap water??? If that is the issue, that should free up the lockout. Just a thought. Or start saving up for an RO filter to give you a nice predictable water source to start with.

How Cal-Mag Deficiencies Occur
The most common cause of calcium and magnesium deficiencies is lockout. When there is too much cal-mag already in the untreated source water being used as the base to the nutrient formula it can cause the good cal-mag in the plant food to become unavailable. Think about it this way - the cal-mag in your tap water has a large molecular structure and is very immobile in that form. These molecules try to go through your roots and up into the plant where they can be used. The molecules are too large to be absorbed efficiently and end up accumulating on the outside of the roots. This causes a road block that can lock out the good forms of cal-mag you are trying to feed them. Other key components of the nutrient formula can also be locked out and the problems escalate until your plants appear to be stunted and yellow and growth crawls to a halt.
There are ways to mitigate this problem. Fulvic and humic acid, as well as living beneficial biology, can help break down the relatively immobile cal-mag in your tap water and allow it to become more available to the plants. This process takes time and is not guaranteed to free up all the cal-mag in an efficient manner. The whole idea behind hydroponics is to minimize your time and maximize your harvests. There is no time to wait around for the cal-mag to be made available. What the plants need is cal-mag that they can readily absorb and use immediately.
Another way to acquire deficiencies is by not adding enough cal-mag to your nutrient formula when using purified water. Reverse Osmosis gives you the purest water possible and so you have to add the correct amount of cal-mag to ensure you have the proper feed solution. The best way to start your nutrient formula is to begin with purified water, add 50 to 250ppm cal-mag, and then add your additional macro- and micronutrients. The amount of cal-mag you add depends on the variety of plants, what stage in their life they are in, and the media you are using.
Certain growing media, such as coco coir, requires additional calcium due its cation exchange capacity properties. Growing in coco requires additional calcium, especially in the first few weeks of the plants life.


Well-Known Member
Here are some updated pics. I included pics of my first and second grow because both have the exact same problem with the rust. I added some epsom salt 3 days ago and have foliar fed slightly with a weak Epsom salt/ PH'd water solution. Both plants seem to be growing fine, they're just full of rust coloring. Any help is appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Could this possibly be caused by an ozone generator? I bought a small one a while back because the smell was so strong. I actually turned the generator off a few days go because the smell seems to have subsided.
Yeah man, We need to figure this out. My plants are doing the same damn thing!

Have you figured anything else out as of yet...

I wonder if it is some kind of disease or something... Probably not :) But, maybe!
are your stems green or purple?

i have 5 BB blue cheese and im pretty sure they have mag deficiancy, the stems are really purple.
the plant is sucking up / eating too much of something, that's why the leaves are dying from the middle outwards. Nut Burn to the max looks like