

i used to be able to buy it in canada, but i think they took it off the shelves in february 2011. personally, i much prefer pot.


Well-Known Member
Thought Salvia was legal all over the US. No?
Try DMT. It is like Salvia, but enjoyeable.
Pretty easy to make a batch up yourself too.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, good question. It was legal in the state I used to live in (Minnesota), but I haven't lived there in a couple years and I don't know if it's still legal or not. The last time I bought it was probably three years ago at least. I don't think it's legal in my current state.


Active Member
Illegal in Florida, but legal in Georgia :lol: sadly no place close to the border sells. Interesting side note, apparently birds know where to find the stuff because it randomly started growing in my yard. I found out because my mom pointed it out to her friend saying that is sage and some people smoke it like bud. I did some looking up, pictures matched so I let some sit out and dry, then crumbled it onto a bowl of bud. Made for an interesting high, not the extract so I didn't trip but it was no normal tote. I smoked it alone and it did practically nothing, about 5 seconds of abnormal vision. I have a friend who says he can extract it, looking forward to that.