Long post, feel free to skip! Just felt like rambling about Salvia for a bit.
At 16, Erowid.org was basically my source of education on everything Psychedelic, botanical, herbal and mycological.
I'd tripped on 'shrooms a few times and naively thought I was prepared for anything the psychedelic world could throw at me. Now around this time, Salvia was just taking off. Nowhere near as popular or as well known as it is nowadays (this was back when you could legally buy fresh magic mushrooms from online Dutch headshops and have them delivered to your door in the UK... Good times).
I'd read the Salvia reports on Erowid and was intrigued - especially because of Salvia's association with Shamanism. Naturally, I decided to give it a go. My first try was with an 'emerald tincture' which I believe I bought from the official Salvia website, run by the guy who was researching it at that time. Well, it was dud, done absolutely nothing for me. I took a very generous amount of the liquid and held in my mouth, swished it around my tongue, cheeks and gums to absorb as much as I could - just as instructed. No result, not even a tingle.
So I concluded it must have been a crap batch, or I got ripped off, or had an off day of unusually high tolerance. Yet I was determined to try again and decided that this time, I'd just smoke it. (I'd originally wanted the tincture because the onset is supposedly slower and easier to control, rather than smoking it and having the effect the equivalent of taking a brick to the face).
So I bought a gram of 15x extract and, here's the classic part:
To this day, I don't know why. I went for a shower, pipe and gram of salvia extract in hand. I warm the shower up, I get butt naked, and jump in. I enjoy the water for a few minutes then dry my hands and prepare a nice dry pipe bowl of extract (still butt naked in the shower, standing carefully so as not to soak my 'stuff').
I can still vividly remember as I inhaled, I'm thinking "this will probably do nothing", I'm watching the leaf burn, twisting and glowing bright orange and black in the bowl like a little pile of fiery worms. In the next instant, I'm on my arse in the bath. Yes, salvia had just knocked my legs out from under me. What followed was 5 minutes of absolute confusion and paranoia. My mother and sisters were in the house, and every instinct in my body was telling me to get out of the damn bathroom and get help(!) Somehow, I managed to fight that urge, but every fibre in my body was determined to have me open that damn door and run out of there naked and whimpering like an idiot.
When people say they sometimes feel a 'presence' after smoking Salvia - no shit, it's absolutely true. You feel like a puppet on strings, and your mind just can't piece together what the hell just happened. The best way I could describe it is... It was the equivalent of being instantaneously dropped right into the peak of a really bad mushroom trip... Whilst being thrown about by a poltergeist.
I learned a valuable lesson that day. Don't fuck with Salvia. Definitely knocked me down a much needed peg or two. I felt embarrassed with myself for a long time, and obviously never told anyone about what happened. I actually felt that, despite them not knowing, I had disrespected my mother, my sisters and my home in that I could have scared them horribly. I also disrespected Salvia, and the entire culture, history and mysticism surrounding it, and the shamans and druids who had used it for centuries in ancient rituals. Here's me, a cocky 16 year old idiot completely ignoring its intended purpose, smoking it naked in the damn bathroom. It's kind of amusing thinking about it now, as it was about 9 years ago. But I still feel a tinge of embarrassment to this day.
Overall, my advice would be - Smoke Salvia outdoors in a safe, peaceful place away from people. Definitely, absolutely do not smoke it near any cliffs, hills, or anything with a drop of more than 1ft. Preferably be sitting on grass or something equally soft, because you might just end up stumbling and falling about like a fool. I've never 'tripped' indoors since then. It's far too stifling and claustrophobic. the best way to trip, in my opinion, is in nature, open and free. Listening to rap music and shutting yourself in a dim, stale room just doesn't do Salvia justice. You need to be outdoors to appreciate it fully.
Enjoy the ride and respect it. But there's really no way to describe the trip until you experience it, No amount of reading will prepare you for a first time Salvia journey! Much like any psychedelic - Respect it, enjoy it, be sensible, be safe!!!!!
Sorry for the TL