salvia seeds?


Active Member
salvia almost never produces seeds, and if it does, germination rates are very low, so salvia is propagated only through cuttings. : Bouncing Bear Botanicals sells salvia cuttings for 35 bucks, and I bought one, and it arrived in good condition and is now thriving. I live in alaska and its really cold, so they put a 48 hour heat pad in the box they shipped it in. That tells me somebody gives a shit, so I recommend them.


Well-Known Member
Be sure though if you do get a cutting its the right kind of salvia. I looked into getting it before and most of the ones they sell online arent as potent as the good shit. Im sure someone will post the kind you need... or maybe he did above me. But I looked for seeds for a few months straight and I think I am a good researcher. I never found one site that sold seeds.
Salvia just became illegal in Illinois Jan 2008. Boo.