Salvia - quick question.


Well-Known Member
Let's say, hypothetically of course, that I wish to procure some salvia. Now, some websites sell salvia, I've heard, and the prices aren't awful and the product probably works ok too. However, in the state where I live, salvia is illegal. How does this work? If I buy off some website, is the stuff gonna make it to my house? If it's intercepted, what happens? Would I be better off picking some up on a road trip? Eagerly awaiting answers.
If it gets intercepted you wont face any problems. The trouble is good site generally follow the law and will refuse to ship to your state. But some good sites will ship to you but if by the amazingly rare chance that legal trouble befalls you they will basically bail on you and show that you acknowledged that all legal issues are placed on you.


Well-Known Member
An American site probably won't ship to your state.
A foreign vendor maybe?

Interception is unlikely on domestic mail.

Having a buddy in another state relay it to you is the best option.


Let's say, hypothetically of course, that I wish to procure some salvia. Now, some websites sell salvia, I've heard, and the prices aren't awful and the product probably works ok too. However, in the state where I live, salvia is illegal. How does this work? If I buy off some website, is the stuff gonna make it to my house? If it's intercepted, what happens? Would I be better off picking some up on a road trip? Eagerly awaiting answers.
My friend saw youtube videos and thought people were giggling and having a good time. We got it through the mail from Dancing Bears and Ebay no problem. We tried some and the shaking is a nervous system shake. I fell on the ground and did not get up for a few minutes. Although I remember the blast, it wasn't fun. I would not indulge again.


Well-Known Member
This stuf is not for trying to have "fun", that is why its illegal now where you live.

With the correct preperation and experience, you break through that crazy place you went to, into so much more than you'd be able to imagine...


Active Member
go to your local headhsop and buy it, its not somehing u do often, ive done it a couple times in my life


Got some "Purple Sticky Salvia" from a head shop. Tried some of it a couple of times and now it has been sitting for like a year. Probably would'nt waste my money on it again.

Sr. Verde

This stuf is not for trying to have "fun", that is why its illegal now where you live.

With the correct preperation and experience, you break through that crazy place you went to, into so much more than you'd be able to imagine...
Yeah pretty much

I personally like that its only a 15 minute trip or so... I would NOT want to trip that hard for any longer than that lol

I want to get some more but my vendor might have stopped selling it :(


Well-Known Member
i had a very nice time when i tried it a month ago.. it was nervous at first and i scrambled for a cigarette, but after that i felt happy and later the funny trippy feeling lasted the rest of the evening..

Sr. Verde

there are other vendors

Yeah but I hate messing with websites for salv, too many fakes... And yeah you could link me a few legit sites but I just email my guy to get it

The flakes sparkle under light and its a light brown color not tar black like most salvia ive seen

All in all a very nice product for a good price :)

And yay just got a response :)

Now I just need some money :(

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
i got a thing of purple sticky salvia 10x once, it made me feel like i was falling to the left, lasted 10 minutes, pretty gay IMO for the $25 the gram coast i could of bought a 1/8th of mid grade weed.