Salvia, doing a fresh quid

jack the beanstalk

Active Member
I have been growing and enjoying salvia for a few years now and I love the plant. Easy to clone and grow and fun to watch....and smoke. I have been thinking lately, since I seem to have a lot of these little buggers around, about doing a quid. I was wondering if anyone has tried this and what their thoughts are on taking a sally.d trip this way.

Ever chew the leaves? How much did it take? Was the trip enjoyable?


Active Member
I have no idea but I am interested and here is some info from one of shepj's posts:

Smoked Salvia divinorum Dosages (Avg Potency Leaf)
Light .25 g
Common .5 g
Strong .75 g

Sublingual/Buccal Salvia divinorum Dosages (plain leaf)
Light 10 g fresh / 2 g dried
Common 30 g fresh / 6 g dried
Strong 50 g fresh / 10 g dried

Hence, making it 8x more efficient smoked than oral

jack the beanstalk

Active Member
Well, when I am throwing away bags of leaves I am not too worried about efficiency. I mostly want to find the perfect amount to get my "root down" for more than a few minutes. It's always so bewildering to go so quickly through the salvia gravitational stream. I want to have time to look around a little.

Great dosage info though, thanks for that!


Well-Known Member
I'm hearing about Salvia for the first time. I'm very interested. Where do I get the plants, seeds, or whatever to get started?
Thank you for being intelligent.

My answer to you is that the quid method is similar to the traditional method, but much more efficient. Here's what I recommend:

Prequid prep: Do make sure to scour your mouth with a toothbrush and some healthy toothpaste, then swish by perhaps using a non-fluoride, non-chemistry industry friendly mouthwash, but make sure that it is alcohol rich as that is the key ingredient to increasing the absorption.

General method: Create a very GOOD sized quid by presoaking about 15 to 30 dried leaves (or rolling as many fresh ones into a quid directly, in your case), then inserting under your tongue, chewing softly every minute or so, putting back under the tongue as much as possible. If the volume of saliva becomes impracticable after a short time, swallow some if it, it can only help, then do a good chew to increase the Salvorin-A/saliva ratio in favor of the Salvorin A. You may need to swallow a little about 3 times over thirty minutes. At the end, you may already be feeling something, but keep going!! Chew viciously for a few minutes, or calmly for another full ten, swallow all saliva, spit, and lay back. If this is too mild for you, smoke a bit at that time, starting with a single dry regular leaf to see what comes of it, only increasing from there if it seems appropriate.

Enjoy your learning experience (if "enjoy" is the right word, depends on how philosophically minded you are, you know, in the "Platonic" sense as spelled out by good old Socrates.... Hee...hee...)

All you could want to know about oral salvia.
It's ok, but potentially misleading, and VERY dull (as only the English can be, the pretentious snots). I suggest major forums, and doing a lot of reading, this way one can get beyond the teenybopper element and get to the real deal. Only a very CAREFUL search of youtube will provide something worthwhile:

To all "users" of "substances":

And that will get you started, because if ingesting psychedelic medicines is supposed to provide you with some sort of benefit, you must presume that you are in some way "not well" or could be "more well", and from what I've seen so far, this is what "getting more well" means with respect to Salvia: Getting some kind of life-transforming glimpse into the deeper/higher nature of reality itself. If you aren't ready for that, don't even touch this. That said, touch it slowly at first, with respect for yourself (whether you think you deserve it or not), and with respect for reality (whatever that is), and perhaps with a good pinch of LOVE.