Salt Stains on Leaves

my friends plants has little salt stains on his leaves i said ill reasearch on this forum for him, and found if I'm right **pH Fluctuation** ALSO will it damage the plant for future growth?

Can someone just let me know what the proper PH level is also were i can get a ph changer to bring it up or down. (walmart?)

He just dumped the distilled water which was at 7.3 PH

He txted me and said now its 6.5 with fresh water(i guess the longer distilled water sits the higher ph)



Well-Known Member
are you sure it's salt "stains" and not powdery mildew or spidermites? Can you snap a pic of them? Also I would recommend getting some real ph up and down because I have read alot of places that while using vin will work its not stable and your ph will still fluctuate
the temps are perfect 80-84 humidity is 50-70 with a fan always going, he waters every 3 days, so no over watering (or when the plant needs it) he wet his fingers and it comes off when you rub it so lol.

Were to you get these proper ph down and up or cider vinegar


bud bootlegger
you can get ph up and down fairly cheaply from any online hydro store like htg supply, or even off of amazon.. i get a lot of stuff off of amazon though..

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
imho there is not enough info to give you any real answer. Just GUESSING. First off you are asking what the correct PH is, People are answering, not even knowing what the grow medium is. Is he Foiler feeding? And he waters every 3 days?Hmm. I have seen soils that only take watering every 4-6 days.
I have never seen where a screwed up PH balance would make salt build up on the leafs. Also, Is he PHing the Water, Or the water with the nutrients mixed in? Another thing. Some nutrients need to be mixed in for a few hours and then PHed.


it makes sense to me that you may see salt build up if you ph is off... but i think it would only show up in your soil...If your PH is way off, than youll be locking out certain nutes...therefor the plant will not uptake nute A, resulting in an excess of nute A building up in the soil
except a little less than that but you can still see it. ANYONE KNOW? maybe its just water evaporating off the leaves he uses spray bottle maybe the nutes he uses 20-20-20

He fills a 1 gallon bucket buts nutes in (half of what it says) stirs it and lets it sit for a day.

PH READING after sitting for one day is 6.6

he will check amazon