Salt build up? heat stress? not sure whats wrong with this plant.

Hi guys,

I'm not sure exactly why my plant looks like this. I think it maybe salt build up in the soil, or maybe heat stress. maybe even CO2 problem. not sure.

I noticed it a couple of days ago,(leaf edges starting to curl up) i decided to replant this plant in a bigger pot with more soil. which it needed. (used black gold all purpose potting soil) and gave it a good dose of water until it was dripping out the bottom. but i have seen any improvement. the growth doesn't seem to be stunted, it's not growing tall, but it's starting to bush out.

But i would like to know what my plant has these curled edges. should i give the plant a good flushing?

as for nutes, i'm giving it some aurora soul. with pH treated tap water. (6.6 pH)
MY tent is has a 600 watt HPS and stays about 80 degrees. humidity around 50%. and i'v got my light about 19 inches away.

I'm using aurora soul synthetics (grow) it's 3-1.25-1.25. in tap water. pH correct (6.6ph as of an hour ago.)

AS for my drainage, i believe it's good. there's a few holes drilled on the bottom of the planter. I have have it sitting in a tray, and i just let the excess water remain in there, and it usually evaporates.


Do you keep it soaked? It needs a day of drying. This will make the roots stretch. You don't want it always wet.
I just water the plant until i start getting a few drips out the bottom, then i just kinda check by weight to see when it needs more water. I usually add some water every other day. And i just the old finger test to see how dry the soil is, and how far it goes down.

I guess i could check out some different nutes. or maybe get some employments. I haven't been getting too in depth with the supplements and additives, seeing how i'm just starting out.

I bought this plant and another from a local dispensary a week ago.


a good tip is wait for the top layer of the growing medium (like an inch or so down) to be fully dry before watering again and also be careful to not be giving it too much water sometimes watering the plant til waters coming out the bottom is too much depending on the size of your container and since yours aint too big it might be getting too much water and theres fore if your nutes are in the water you might be giving it too much nutes i dunno i am just making a rough assumption but those afre still some good tips for watering

i hope you fix your problem tho bud sick plants are never good thats fos sure lol

Sean Tom

Well-Known Member
this is a simple one. basically it is too hot in your grow space. the leaves curl up like a boat shape when the temp is too high. "
The marijuana plant is losing water via it’s leaves faster than what can be replaced by the root system. The marijuana leaf responds by leaf margin cupping or rolling up or down (most times up) in order to conserve moisture."
.im dealing with the same issue and i just dimm my ballast for 30 min or so and the leaves go back down. keep in mind they lose a lot of water like this. water more often. also it looks like u can use some nitrogen. when leaves start getting light green to yellow its a N deficiency.

Sean Tom

Well-Known Member
a good tip is wait for the top layer of the growing medium (like an inch or so down) to be fully dry before watering again and also be careful to not be giving it too much water sometimes watering the plant til waters coming out the bottom is too much depending on the size of your container and since yours aint too big it might be getting too much water and theres fore if your nutes are in the water you might be giving it too much nutes i dunno i am just making a rough assumption but those afre still some good tips for watering

i hope you fix your problem tho bud sick plants are never good thats fos sure lol
you should always water till a ten percent runoff comes out the bottom. but correct do not water untill top layer is dry and pot feels light. you will get the hang of knowing how heavy ur pot is full and empty/dry.
see how the leaves are curling up with some discolouration that is heat stress. even if the room is a good temp , the light is to close 18- 24 inches away
Ok, i think i'm starting to understand now. i'll move the reflector higher. the heat stress does make sense, i have been vegging it for 24 hours a day. I'll try giving it some down time aswell.

as for watering, i last watered it about 36 hours ago, and it's dry to about an 1-1/2 inches.

Man, i got to say, as a new grower, trying to figure out whats wrong with a plant is hard. things seem to share alot of the same symptoms.

the leaves curl up and they feel stiff, kinda brittle. not soft like my other plants. and one of the lower leaves is starting to really look F'd up. i may just cut that leave off.

oh and hey "good news." just been doing some more research on another problem i thought i was having, and yep. i got spider mites. they must have been on the plants when i bought them. how fun is my first week growing. oh ya.


you can also tell heat stress cuz the edges of your leaves will start to go ridgid this is your plant trying to get cool! so check and see if your fan leaf blades are ridgid and a little bit of curling too