Salt build up flush


Active Member
During flowering,does anyone do any sort of heavier watering to flush salts out of soil? Just curious if that's good practice or a need to do a few times through out flowering phase. During waterings I get about 20% run off. Is salt build up something to worry about with heavy nutes?


New Member
build-up generally isn't an issue unless you are overfeeding. You could pick up a ppm pen and measure the runoff; compare it to the ppm when you mixed the nutes and watered them. If the run-off ppm is a lot higher, you are feeding too hot.


Well-Known Member
I seem to keep having similar issues using Dyna-Gro Foliage Pro that I can't for the life of me figure out


Well-Known Member
What medium are you using?

I rarely have to flush. I have an OGK that had some sort of lockout it happy frog/perlite, she isn't a cooperative plant nor a keeper. Ran about 5 gallons of tap water through the three gallons with a half dose of fertilizer. Problem solved.

EDIT this isn't the first time I had a problem with her, third run and she is done. all other plants, No problems


Well-Known Member
Also, only flush to solve deficiency or lockout. not a regular thing for me to do, and I do not flush prior to harvest


Active Member
I feed pretty heavy and never had any problems but just curious if it was something people do..just read a article about salt build up and thought maybe this might be something beneficial. I agree with flushing should be for solving deficiency or the dreaded lock out. I have also flushed at the end of harvest and not flushed. Cant tell the difference. I used advanced phinal phase before with flushing and can't tell anything different. Ive even flushed to the max like 45 gallons through 15 gallon containers and could not tell a difference from flushing the nutes out of soil or not.
Nice tip about the ppm meter run off compared to ppm of feeding.


Well-Known Member
I feed pretty heavy and never had any problems but just curious if it was something people do..just read a article about salt build up and thought maybe this might be something beneficial. I agree with flushing should be for solving deficiency or the dreaded lock out. I have also flushed at the end of harvest and not flushed. Cant tell the difference. I used advanced phinal phase before with flushing and can't tell anything different. Ive even flushed to the max like 45 gallons through 15 gallon containers and could not tell a difference from flushing the nutes out of soil or not.
Nice tip about the ppm meter run off compared to ppm of feeding.
So you couldnt tell the difference between feeding, flushing n not feeding? Sounds like feeding til chop is overrated n a waste of money if thats the case. If the result of feeding n flushing was the same then feeding til chop is a waste of money right?


Active Member
I'm talking about not tasting nutes from not flushing before harvesting your girls.I think your a fool to not feed till the end. But in my experience of flushing vs. not flushing you cannot taste a difference or get headaches. My above post was just saying I have tried a handful of different flushing ideas before harvest and taste&smoke wise couldn't tell between flushed weed or not flushed weed. I feel like I get more out of the girls feeding to the end than spending a week flushing


New Member
I cut back on nutes drastically before harvest because I think the plant doesn't need it while it's just sitting there turning ripe and it's a waste of money. Like you I can't tell any difference.


Well-Known Member
What's with the "waste of money"? Ever put a pencil to what it costs to feed and water a plant? Pennies, literally nothing in the overall picture. But pennies add up I guess.


Well-Known Member
so, I'm doing 2.5 ml of Foliage Pro every watering in promix. should I cut that down to every other watering? I'm not sure if I'm getting deficiency or lockout