Sail, belly up to the clouds.

Why, hello.
I've been a member of this site for a little while now but haven't made any posts yet.

:idea: Let's change that!
Allow me to introduce myself:
Name's Brandon but I take on a plethora of other nicknames.
From a small town in the south east part of North Carolina.

One has a profound Love of documentaries, music, nature, artistry, and self-sufficiency. I look forward to sharing my growth of illegal substances here with you all. :-P

Kudos to the maker(s) of this site and to all those in the liberation of knowledge!

Any rubber tramps, train-hoppers, vagabonds, wanderlusts, adventurers, travelers out there?
You'll throughly enjoy this site!
Find me if you'd like UN: Grasshopper

Well, time to for me to get back to watching Mahatma Gandhi. What a long fucking movie, great though. I'm 1hr into it and have 2hrs 3mins to go.

At any rate, it will be nice to meet you all! Feel free to add me
later on


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU

Sound like you have a mind that is fresh and absorbing things.

I always remember that horses fear mice from that movie.

Interesting reality wouldn't you say?

Sort of like the Rich fear the Poor they exploit.

Do you have a grow by chance?
Ah, a reply! Thank you for the warm welcome.
You are correct, I am most definitely absorbing all sorts of new and interesting knowledge.
I've been in a sort of soul slumber for the past few years so I'm just catching up...

Indeed, that is true in my mind. "The minds of a few rule many."
I'd say we are in power by the looks of things but most are afraid of change and have become comfortable. It's total supply & demand, if we open up to change and step of the Carousel of greed we'd get somewhere.
I myself have set the long-term goal of living a self-sufficient lifestyle.

A grow-op. Oh! How I dream. I have done the research and now, like a mouse, it is a matter of finding the cheddar.
I've grown a few successful females in my lifetime, 4 to be exact but nothing on the scale of major.
I'm thinking I'll start off with Psilocybin first but later on in life it would be nice to try my hand at a more clandestine grow-op. It would be nice however to find a trustworthy partner who aspired to some of the same ideals.

How about yourself?


Well-Known Member
Oh on the Middle age trail. You do know the reward for living is death right?

Along that road we all travel.

I started a Politics site here lately. Sort of like the Solar God mythology.. Prop 19 ( Legalization effort ) dies, stays dead for three days and California rises up on the third day like the Sun does every year as viewed from the Northern Hemisphere Dec. 21,22 & 23 rising up 1 Degree in the Sky on Dec. 24th

Seen Zeitgeist the movie ? Worth a look at that cool look at how.. Any way.. Off on a run there.

No profit motives yet. Going to try and live an open life through 2012 if I can. We shall see how it goes. But I could if I wanted to. Fer Sure...
No worries, I myself went off on a rant previously. The more conversation, the better! If only it was in person over a glass of tea or mug of coffee.. or even hot cocoa okay okay onward. Ranting again.

I have indeed seen Zeitgeist. Great film in my opinion.

"You do know the reward for living is death right?"
Reminds me of Ecclesiastes 9:5

I'll have to check out your site!
I'm also trying to get one up and running myself. Working on it day and night. I'll send you an invite as soon as I have the finished version. It's a bit like this forum with minor variations and extra content. I would like to use it to market my products fairly.

You're able to but you're not?! Must be hard work. It's definitely a substantial income for those who are not caught out this way.

Well, going to go and do some reading.
Talk to you soon I hope..
If there is anything left to say.


Well-Known Member
I am watching the media publications.. Just posted in Utah this morning

I hope our people will become much more active but perhaps the New York Times is correct that 2012 is on schedule to be a dud because the canna-people are basically lulled into a state of mind with Medical.

Humboldt is hosting one hell of a video on their gardens.

And the largest activity I see in cognitive legalization efforts is coming for the Inland Empire.

What is happening with cooley and Harris is important and today Harris is up by 0.2%

There is a well funded group down there that is planning to sponsor repeal of prop 215 and most places have unjust taxation of medical while discriminating against most who try to open a medical.

I'm a bit tired today. You should stop by because I post hella news.

I doubt anyone has me beat on news links.

But I see our community has follow-the-link phobia . I have been out of the cannabis closet so long that I forget folks live paranoid lives with weed. They don't like the paranoid life but won't do anything to change it like following a link to read about the news.

Well I have 2011 and the rest of 2010 to get the site tuned up. I hope it works out to be an asset. I fear it will be the liberty bell of Canna-legalization but the town folk may ignore it's ringing.

Sure stop by... people it and I will do the same for you.

Contact@California2012,org is my email

If you support legalization you can link on but really come see the news.. It's awesome.