Sage seeds


Well-Known Member
xk me I should've posted this in the garden section and I need to share with you lot that I will be growing sage to burn. OP Q remains, anyone know where I can find fine sage clones in the UK, to grow?

sage the actual herb, not NY thc sage etc

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Clones or seeds? You mention both. If clones why clones when seeds are so readily available at such an affordable price. Plus there was no OP question ;)


Well-Known Member
specifically tiptop it is because I want to crash at your's when in lundun. Don't really know much about growing sage, I was imagining that there is is a wonderful indoor grow strain sage to grow, that's what I am specifically looking for. Just bumped 50 seeds on amazon for £1.99 anyway. But if someone knows better pmt me.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Lol, wrong side of the country, not a huge fan of London, too many arseholes and too many foreigners.

I'd have thought for clones or just a pot of it you'd want to find a very good garden center, which most these days do not seem to be, or find one of these small nursery type places out in the hills where they're just pulling and potting random herbs and shrubs an whatnot that they just have growing on their land.

I believe that sage is fairly easy to grow, lots of sunshine being the key thing due to it's Mediterranean origin.