Sagarmartha Seed Company: FEM PACKS CONTAIN MALES!


Well-Known Member

After ordering through Attitude Seed Bank I received my order without trouble and in a timely fashion considering location. I received a supply of the free seeds as offered by the promo along with my order and felt good about our purchase as everything had arrived on time and was clearly well handled and in good condition.

For the next few days we spent cracking seeds and learning what was viable and not. All seeds by other various seed banks did well and were no trouble. From Sagarmartha, things were a different story!

I ordered a Five pack of WHITE RUSSIAN AUTO FEM. All five germinated without trouble however one did not live past planting in soiless medium (it happens). The problem however, is that THREE out of the four that survived and have since grown into mature plants, are MALE.

The following is the conversation with Sagarmartha in trying to resolve the issue.

Dear Sagarmartha,

I am writing you in regards to an order that I placed with Attitude Seed Bank where I purchased a 5 pack of your White Russian Auto Feminized Seeds. I received my package without trouble and the seeds arrived unharmed in the original breeders pack from Sagarmartha. I germinated all five seeds at once. Out of the four that germinated successfully three are male. I have taken photos of the seed pack and seedlings in labeled cups with dates of germination. Sex is evident and obvious. If you would like me to attach a photograph for your records please let me know. I obviously was not intending to grow male White Russian plants as I ordered feminized, nor was I intending on seeding my whole crop however that is the case at this point. Thanks for the now "seed bank" of various auto offspring however, as I mentioned before I was interested in "around" 5 female White Russian auto plants. I am a medical patient here in the state of Alaska and cannot afford to grow more than my legal number of plants nor waste time growing that of which will not produce medication. Patient number 1000****. My seed pack is number ****. I would like to be contacted with a plan of how we can make this right. Thank you for your time and compassion.


howdy Woody
send us a shipping address and we will send replacements, very sorry about the mishap, white russian had a small batch that we did not know until recently



Thanks my man, I appreciate your good business gesture. I would be happy to try again. Your welcome to send to the following address. See ya folks at the cup.

Howdy wood

if its cool with you i would rather give them to you at the cup its safer that way.

let me know



I appreciate your concern with safety however, I am unsure as to whose safety your concern is regarding. I do not fear for my own safety. Not only do I not fear I am actively outspoken about my medical conditions and the use of cannabis for treatment. I am a proud and aggressive marijuana law reform activist. I am protected by state law, human rights, and a constitution. I am more than willing to "take the chance". However, if for reasons undisclosed you fear, I will accept your offer to wait. I do hope that you understand what I tried to explain in my previous letter in that I am living with conditions that make time of the essence. Again, I appreciate your concern and thank you for that.


thing is that sending seeds is illegal for me and if you are comming over in november i could give them to you.
i did my protesting in the 80's against reagan and papa bush. then i decided to move to holland.




I will not be attending the Cup as planned this year. Fortunately I will be working on an investment opportunity in ******* County Michigan where we will be opening a private Medical Marijuana Compassion Club/Cannabis Spa. I appreciate your previous offers and understand your position. If there is anything further that can be done to resolve the stated issue I would appreciate it.

do you have an address anywhere else than the US? i will gladly send to an alternative addy. best of luck with your Michigan opportunities.

Tony I am proud to say, no I do not have another address other than the USA. I am a ill patient who is awaiting brain surgery and cannot/will not leave the country in fear of complications that could arise at any time...The time between that which I realized I was growing three male auto flowering plants and now, I have lost allot. I have lost time that no one can give back. I had a scheduled care agenda that was not feasible due to the time delay in resolving this issue with your company. I am now on a medical trip where I cannot very well recover the loss in garden time. I will return to my home state with less than I had expected when I received my purchase as the crop will not be nearing ready as I needed it to be when making the purchase. I understand now that you cannot/will not resolve this issue due to my USA location however I expect you to understand my position and reasoning for reporting our correspondence as a Seed Bank Review at


Try contacting the Attitude. I don't blame them for not wanting to send seeds to the USA, after all, look what happend to Marc Emery, he got 5 years for it I believe?
He mentioned nothing about the males ?? Sucks man sounds like he's out to make money while lacking proper feminizing techniques. Considering how long he's been around and the price of his beans you would expect better. I bought his reg packs with no problems with better f/m ratios then you got. There really is no way to make it better if he doesn't replace them, its not attitudes fault is it?
The Latest Responce

ok wood i cannot send replacements but i think i know someone who can. we will ship to the ak adress. hope your condition gets better and very sorry for the developments concerning those white russian auto flowers.




That is very proper in my opinion. Thank you for your understanding and good business relationship. I am happy to share with the community of medical patients alike that there are good people working for Sagarmartha that will see to resolving issues with their products; A quality of business that we all respect and can only hope to receive when dealing with medical rights repression in the United States. Your positive and compassionate attitude is noted and appreciated. I look forward to doing business with you again in the future.

Ill let you know when they arrive,
There are many seedbanks that give away imperfect seeds. They are often given away in bulk by the breeders many times for promotional type offers. (I know this because I am offered them) They are not allowed to be sold as a rule. Trouble comes when they are not kept as a separate entity and are classed as general stock, then its anyones guess eventually what is what.
serious seeds does a really good white russian auto and thats the one i've grown out, def no fems there.
tbh i think that it is weird that the sag guy wont send u the beans.
I also bought 3 Smurfberry fems from Sagarmartha from the Attitude. So far the only one I've germed turned out to be a MALE!!! I mean, first they make the customer pay extra for fems, for what? For it to turn out the other way around??? WTF
At least I think I'll use the pollen. I wonder if it is any good to produce regular seeds (I'm planning on crossing it with Auto Blueberry from Lowlife).