Safety Inspection!


Well-Known Member
Who's tested their smoke alarms and checked the pressure on their fire extinguishers lately?

Only you can prevent cannabis fires.

seriously, you don't want the fire dept all up in your shit, now do you.



Well-Known Member
I think there should be a health and safety section on this site actually. After experiencing some sparks from bad wiring the other day it would be great if we had a resource for wiring balasts correctly, and general electrical and preventative maintenance. I myself wouldn't be the best person to get advice from but I'm sure weve got a few sparkies on here.


Well-Known Member
yup, people dont realize how easy a fire can start with a indoor grow. smoke detectors and fire extinguishers are a must..


Well-Known Member
I'm heading out tomorrow morning to pick up another fire alarm for my grow room. I've got one ust outside my growroom but thats not good enough. If I hadn't noticed the sparks from my wiring the other day god knows what may have happened. Stay safe people.