safe use guidelines


Well-Known Member
i've been thinking about something with all this good legalization talk etc. in the news: you know how they have the safe drinking habits guidelines that they teach in DUI class and high school health classes...2 drinks a day at most, no more than 14 drinks a week, never more than 5 drinks in a sitting...guidelines to help you "know" whether your drinking choices are safe or dangerous. Two points come to mind when thinking of this:
1) aren't these guidelines a bit bullshit? If you drink two standard drinks a day for a couple months your kidneys and liver start acting up, acid reflux etc. etc. etc. Also, i know a lot of people who can sit down and have several drinks on friday and twice as many on saturday who would technically blow that "never more than five" business out of the fucking water.
2) when are we going to start hearing these kinds of guidelines from the same authority figures that put together the current bullshit ones?
3) anybody want to try to figure something like this out from a grassroots (no pun intended) perspective? like try to survey a wide crossesection of people familiar with toking and try to whittle down some guidelines from that anecdotal evidence--not unlike the methodology of popular epidemiology??

let me know, i'll be here