(Sadly) I have to make some weed go bad, help

Im sry i overreacted and far shooted that you wanna hurt somebody, it just sounded so mysterious, and shady, that I expected the worst and just expressed that, what people might think, when you obscure it that way. I never mind to imply that onto you, that you actually wanna do it, i just wanted to get out more information, and it worked ;). I just thought it could be possible, so I farshooted. Sry.

Still i recommend you just to conversate. Im with you...

Rotting weed on purpose make my heart bleed btw! Dude, No, please!

I have kind of idea what you mean with people you love but who behave unreasonable, but still bugging and nagging, and just want them stop asking without knocking their heads or damage the relationship.
sounds like something in that neighborhood. People get killed or busted over stuff like this
Only in america....in europe you punch in the face... thats it! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: God knows why you are so stupid to allow guns to anyone to protect from the "government" to turn against you, but actuzally when they turn against you, you dont use them, haha. Only shoot other motherfuckers! Im fine with it... im far away lol
Damn you think I hate you, but I just pity the shit you brought yourself in with your "ideals" and war-industries. Reflect yourselfs! Listen to your president! You have a good one now, finally! Check the last one :lol: What an APE! The one before was better... CHANGE! YES WE CAN! AT least HE tried with YOU... but you didn't function.

You believed in it.... but did shits! Changed nothing! Free Marihuana , haha, else? Guantanamo? Its time now... face the challenges of the future... you cant go on this mad violence!
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Im in a big city with millions of people livin within the range of 10km²... all my life, arabs, lebanese, all kinds of culture...
I NEVER heard gunshots.... all my life! Whats wrong with you folks across the atlantic... are you proud of that?
Is this a Dr Phil or Jerry Springer thread?
It's not scripted, so I go with Phil. (Probably scripted, too, however.)

My favourite Springer moment:

KKK guy (proably paid actor): "The klan has been around for more than 200 years."
Springer: "Yeah, but so has cancer."

Where I live, we're not bold enough to take scripted reality TV across the finish line. Go, 'merica, go!
Im sry i overreacted and far shooted that you wanna hurt somebody, it just sounded so mysterious, and shady, that I expected the worst and just expressed that, what people might think, when you obscure it that way. I never mind to imply that onto you, that you actually wanna do it, i just wanted to get out more information, and it worked ;). I just thought it could be possible, so I farshooted. Sry.

Still i recommend you just to conversate. Im with you...

Rotting weed on purpose make my heart bleed btw! Dude, No, please!

I have kind of idea what you mean with people you love but who behave unreasonable, but still bugging and nagging, and just want them stop asking without knocking their heads or damage the relationship.
It's all right man.

Also wow this thread has turned around fast lol

Nah,I dont have a trimmer or anything, I have not received payment either. He just needs some income these days and was expecting the batch desperately. He will put his frustration from the batch being delayed towards me while I had no fault, he is not gonna react reasonable and I have no reason to take his shit, but I dont wanna let him screw up the friendship either. That's all
It doesn't matter, he wants to give rotten material to someone who is looking for dope, to get rid of him asking, that includes beeing fine hurting that person if that person consumes that still. It is careless and to come up with that idea, not finding another solution by communication, is just retarded. You helping him or making fun of it is just retarded and careless.

Just tell him you dont have anything; whats the problem? Grow some balls to just say NO to somebody and not coming up with excuses to appear "nice", while beeing an ashole and a danger to the health of people. Goddammit!
Perhaps he knows, you don't say no to Fat Tony.