Saddam Hussein Executed

If you think Saddam got what he deserved then we should start hanging our leaders too. Also what difference between lethal injection and hanging? As though lethal injection is an okay way to kill someone?

In Iraqi law a high ranking Iraqi can request the firing squad... Saddam made this choice... so they could have at least give him his wish.

You can not be against the death penalty on one hand and say he got what he deserved on the other.
yes you can, committing genocide is unforgiveable....
I am no fan of president shrub, or the Iraq war, lethal injection would have been more humane, But I think if he were thrown to the Shiites and Kurds they would have given him the Mussolini treatment.
er... no, you can't. You're either for or against, you can't just change your mind to suit your emotions.

What is murdering 650, 000 iraqi civilians? I'd call that genocide... or maybe there's a bigger word?
Dank:yes you can, committing genocide is unforgiveable....
Do you call what Bush has done in Iraq "Genocide"? He started an unprovoked war, Has killed 100,000-800,000 Iraqis (depends on who you believe), Been soley responsible for the deaths of 3016++ American deaths and 22,000++ Maimed. I'd say he's a candidate for the Genocide label. If a world court were convened, they'd hang his ass and I'd say Justifiably so!
Med I have been against the Iraq war since it's inception, (ask Vi) and I agree with you on that aspect. Let's face it, Iraq was damned near broke and once a the people starts to starve, political winds change, once the army starts to starve they take care of the problem. Remember what happend to Saddat in 1981?
Propaganda is a powerful machine, and none use it more effectively than our two countries. We believe what we are told... the pictures I saw of Iraq before it was bombed didn't show a country in turmoil, quite on the contrary.

To me it looked beautiful, and very clean... even if the country was suffering financial difficulties this does not make it okay to murder hundreds of thousands of people.

By murdering Saddam as well, we have now martyred him to the terrorist cause... Saddam was a great man in his own right, he despised terrorism and had his own unique ways of dealing with it... We have now lost what foothold we had in the East... saddam was a great ally, we could have used him to help crush the East, a puppet... so what if he wanted to be Emperor.

Besides, Saddam had cooled towards the end. The man they hung was not the same man that commited the atrocities. Many atrocities have been committed over the years, and the perp's called Great...
But surely the first things to fail are public services... Look at Argentina, the USSR...

We have to be good Dank', the Good Guys, we never do any wrong and we punish the wrong doers. Bullshit. We are the evil in the world...

Nobody wants to believe that they are the bad guy... but in terms of Iraq, and now Saddam Hussein, it is us that is evil. Mass slaughter... innocent men, women and children executed because we want cheaper oil.
I never said that we weren't in the wrong for invading Iraq and starting a war, but let's not negate what Saddam Hussein did to his own people.
Iraqi Leaders admit to around 250,000 people that were killed under Hussein's rule. So far people that the United States has killed is a little over 54,000 Iraqis. As I said Before, I was against the war in Iraq from it's inception.

But yes Saddam was an evil man, do not deny it, there is too much evidence to the contrary.
I do not believe that the United States should be imposing their rule over the world, but sadly we are.
I'm not negating what he did to his own people... it is what WE did to his people that concerns me.

Saddam was a dictator, you need to be in the East, you also need to be ruthless... or someone much more ruthless than you will take your power. Saddam was an intelligent man... what would any intelligent man do in such circumstances?

You must remember that the East live differently to us... only 500 years ago it was WE that wiped a race of people from the Earth, figuratively speaking of course. We have got where we are today through mass slaughter, treading on people less advanced than ourselves... back in the old days we described them as crusades, spreading christianity throughout the world, really just a guise so that we could rob and murder foriegners (also our own people).

Today... we just use different excuses... and that is what they are. We went to war on Saddam, not because of his atrocities but because our Governments made the people believe he had WOMD. I believe Saddam's murder was planned from the outset... if we thought we could take CONTROL of Iraq, we were very wrong.
Today... we just use different excuses... and that is what they are. We went to war on Saddam, not because of his atrocities but because our Governments made the people believe he had WOMD. I believe Saddam's murder was planned from the outset... if we thought we could take CONTROL of Iraq, we were very wrong! Skunky, the real reason we went to Iraq is the almighty dollar, most wars have been for the Almighty buckaroo! They disguise the real truth with some made up reason or the CIA goes in and starts some shit, but the real reason we're in Iraq is Halliburton, Big oil And a myriad of war profiteering companies making billions off the war. The reason we're not leaving, to the victor go the spoils, and Iraq has a shitload of oil. The deaths, who cares, it's not any of the Elites kids dying over there, Iraqi deaths, no problem, Officially only 56,000 Iraqis have been slaughtered, other sources not tied to the US government have put them between 100,000-800,000, and the neocons will tell you Sadam was much worse and he killed over a million. The lies and bullshit about this war are atrocious. But you can believe this, as long as G.W.Bush is pres. We'll be in Iraq!
I don't think it is the fault of the bush administration... but of society itself. Our society needs oil to function, without it our economies would collapse. The price of oil has been rising astronomically for years... Saddam was going to put that price up even higher, now what was his is ours.
The conversation between saddam and the leaders of the west.

Bush. There is no way were going to pay that much for that damn oil saddam, you must be joking.

Saddam. This oil came from our country, if you want it this is the price.

Bush. Saddam don't make me get crazy on your ass.

Saddam. This is the price i am the leader of this country if you dont like it go elsewhere.

Bush. If you dont drop the price I will get iraq a new leader.

Saddam. How are you going to do that

Bash. Just you wait, now watch this drive.


I seriously don't think it's bush... at least not bush junior... most good boys do what their dad tells them... Bush Jnr has all the tell-tale signs of being a mere puppet... a man with made-up diplomas, how does such an ill-educated man get to be leader of the largest power on the earth?

A lot of string-pulling. Bush jnr is just the face of the administration behind him... the face that fronts the administration behind it. A face is tangible, expendible even...
A lot of string-pulling. Bush jnr is just the face of the administration behind him... the face that fronts the administration behind it. A face is tangible, expendible even... Yup the face of the neocons and the corporations. War is money for all the biggies, doesn't really matter who we go to war with as long as they don't have the capability to send missles to the homeland! Why do you think China gets away with all their shit, Big money involved in trading and they have missles and nukes and Subs with nukes. Lets not pick on them! Being from Britian I'm sure you have a different take on the corporate world, but here in America the corporations rule. They start in the school system with the school books and progress with their mind swill way into college, in fact it is only in college that you might get a glimmer of the truth. The people who never made it to college are brainwashed to believe the government. There are a few independant thinkers around, but not enough to change things. This capitalist system is geared to make virtual slaves out of the proletariate, and allow the elites to prosper. The saddest bunch are the wannabees, for they are chasing the rainbow that has no end, and no pot of gold!
I know exactly what you mean, concerning the independant thinkers and the programming that begins at school. In fact, one of my favourite rants is that the world is full of robots.
I know exactly what you mean, concerning the independant thinkers and the programming that begins at school. In fact, one of my favourite rants is that the world is full of robots.
Especially in asian countries. My father-in-law used to call them cloneheads, he worked exclusively in asia, mostly Japan and China.. There is a unification of mind that is frightening over there. My son worked in Japan and China also, and he saw the same thing.
if there was a war, then wouldn't iraq be attacking us as well?
9.11 wasn't bin laden, and there isn't ANY terrorist attacks at all. think about it..
and in a war, there would be SOLDIERS coming here attacking us. there would be iraqi soldiers in harlem and washington heights. instead, there is thousands of soldiers inside iraq.