SAD white widows


Well-Known Member
can someone please tell me what the problem is with these plants? they only get watered once a week, the temperature never goes over 85, and the humidity stays around 60%. i have no idea whats wrong with them. every morning i wake up they look all droopy and by the end of their 18 hour light period they perk back up. someone pleaseeeee help!1.jpg2.jpg


Active Member
your soil looks very clay like.... meaning no draining.

however... do you know that they SHOULD droop during lights off period?


Well-Known Member
well most of the dirt is just normal potting soil and i used some dirt from the outdoor garden to top it off.. so thats what it is? should i add more potting soil?


Well-Known Member
garden .. soil .. Im thinking .. seeds .. at best .. bugs at wors .. nice .. you safe 5 bucks ..

do your self a favor .. if you used money one seeds .. light .. and will use 3 months and a lot of power .. water and stuff ..

go and use 20$ on a nice big pot with nice drain holes at the bottom .. then buy the best potting soil you can get ... if you have a garten center or have acces to wormcasting .. add 10% .. some perelit will do wonders .. leganuts can be used (30%)

get the lega nuts nomather what .. used a inch or two in the bottom and top .. for drain .. as weed plants dont like to have wet feed all the time .. and for air .. they do like the breath actualy .. and on top so soil dont get light .. and water splash on it when you water .. watering will also be more even and soil dont dry out .. also look nice and keep the soil in the pots ..

and do yourself another favor .. google cannabis grow guides and do some reading .. weed plants like air .. light soil .. with trace elements and micros in it .. if you like to go "pro" you will also get stuff like Dolimit lime/mearl .. Epsom salt .. Pat guano .. blood/bone meal .. trace elements and enzyms/acids to add to your soil mix .. if you do it right no nutriens is nesseary beside the bat poo :D


Well-Known Member
Why spend $20 on a nice big pot when you can get a 5 gallon bucket for $3 from your local lowes or home depot. All you gotta do is drill some holes for drainage in the bottom. Of course I use fabric pots, but for my tomatoes these work fine.